Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Event triggering and deep learning for particle identification in KM3NeT 

      De Sio, Chiara (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2018-04-11)
      Neutrino astronomy experiments like KM3NeT allow to survey the Universe leveraging the properties of neutrinos of being electrically neutral and weakly interacting particles, making them a suitable messenger. Observing ...
    • The neutrino interaction analysis chain in OPERA 

      Rescigno, Regina (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-04-20)
      The aim of the OPERA experiment is to provide a “smoking-gun” proof of neutrino oscillations, through the detection of the appearance signal of ντ’s in an initially pure νμ beam. The beam is produced at CERN, 732 Km far ...
    • Study of the hadronic current in the neutrino interactions of the OPERA experiment 

      Stellacci, Simona Maria (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-04-22)
      The OPERA experiment was designed to observe the appearance of the vr in a pure beam ofvll (CNGS). The evidence ofthe appearance signal is provided by the detection of the daughter particles produced in the decay of ...