Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Citizen Humanities as a Fusion of Digital and Public Humanities? 

      Heinisch, Barbara <Universität Wien, Österreich> (B. Heinisch, Citizen Humanities as a Fusion of Digital and Public Humanities?, «Magazén», 1, 2020, n.2, pp. 143-180, 2020)
      Digital and public humanities have gained a foothold in academia, but very little is known about citizen humanities, which is referring to the engagement of the general public in scholarly research. Although the term is ...
    • Epistemologie della sostenibilità: ragionamenti e politiche non standard 

      Gagliasso, Elena; Campanella, Sara (2020)
      Sustainability perspectives require non-standard scientific and political reasoning, now more than ever. The lexicons of ecology and political economy articulate epistemic catego-ries and imaginaries in which humans ...
    • Introduction: Understanding Diverse Uses of Painful Pasts. A Plea for Conscious Normativity 

      Dierks, Dennis <Department of History, University of Jena, Jena, Germany> (D. Dierks, Introduction: Understanding Diverse Uses of Painful Pasts. A Plea for Conscious Normativity, «International Public History», vol. 4, 2021, n. 2, 2021)
      The three case studies of this special section address an issue that is undoubtedly at the core of the ethics of Public History: the quest to democratize history. They approach a problem that has concerned Public History ...