Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Carrying the Red Man’s Burden: Pavel Luknitskii, or Kipling in the Soviet Pamir 

      Colombo, Duccio (2018)
      Kipling’s work in the Soviet Union was heavily criticized as an expression of imperialism; yet, it was widely read and translated – it was clearly more acceptable than that of Nikolai Gumilev, “the Kipling from Tsarskoe ...
    • Cooking the Books: Contested Colonial Commemorations in Australia 

      Ireland, Tracy <University of Canberra, Australia> (T. Ireland, Cooking the Books: Contested Colonial Commemorations in Australia, «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 2, pp. 1-4, 2018)
      Controversy around the celebration of Captain Cook as a founding father of the Australian nation is not new, but dates back to the nineteenth century when his first statues were raised. The latest plans made by Australia’s ...
    • De presidios a heterotopías fronterizas: análisis de la transformación histórico-política de Ceuta y Melilla 

      Sagnella, Angela (2018)
      On the northern coast of the Moroccan coast two small cities, Ceuta and Melilla, are offered as anachronistic vestiges of the Spanish colonial empire. The two enclaves, transfigured and shaped by the signs that colonial history ...
    • ¿Libertad y dignidad tras la independencia política? Un debate sobre las tesis poscoloniales 

      Vela Orbegozo, Bernardo (2021)
      In the same way that the physical and moral devatation generated in the so-called words wars the European scenario that led to the emergence of critical thinking, the barbarism of colonialism, the atrocity of the wars of ...
    • L’eroe dell’Amba Alagi: storia e memoria del duca Amedeo di Savoia-Aosta 

      Cutolo, Francesco (F. Cutolo, "L’eroe dell’Amba Alagi: storia e memoria del duca Amedeo di Savoia-Aosta", «Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi», 2022, n.6, pp. 337-343, 2022)
      Il dibattito pubblico sulla proposta di cambiare l’intitolazione del Liceo scientifico di Pistoia, dedicato al duca Amedeo di Savoia-Aosta, ha evidenziato il permanere di una narrazione apologetica del principe sabaudo, ...
    • La storia in un docufilm: Debre Libanos 

      Carvigiani, Antonello (A. Carvigiani, "La storia in un docufilm: Debre Libanos", «Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi», 2023, n.7, 2023)
      Nel maggio del 1937, le truppe italiane massacrarono 2.000 persone innocenti nel monastero di Debre Libanos: preti, monaci e pellegrini ortodossi. Fu una vendetta per l’attentato contro Graziani, avvenuto a Addis Abeba a ...