Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Modeling Data Complexity in Public History and Cultural Heritage 

      Barabucci, Gioele <Norwegian University of Science and Engineering (NTNU)>; Tomasi, Francesca <Università di Bologna>; Vitali, Fabio <Unversità di Bologna> (G. Barabucci, F. Tomasi, F. Vitali, "Modeling Data Complexity in Public History and Cultural Heritage", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 459-474, 2022)
      The publication by Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums of metadataabout their collections is fundamental for the creation of our shared digital culturalheritage. Yet, we argue, these digital collections are, on one ...
    • Raccontando «tristi storie della morte dei re».Testo, contesto e rappresentazioni del Riccardo II di Shakespeare 

      Cata', Cesare (Roma : Carocci, 2013)
      William Shakespeare’s Richard ii presents philosophical and political themes related to the history of England and a symbolical interpretation of the Wars of the Roses, on the one hand; and to the person of Queen Elizabeth ...