Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Gaming and Digital Public History 

      Nolden, Nico <Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany>; Pfister, Eugen <Universität Wien> (N. Nolden, E. Pfister, "Gaming and Digital Public History", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 309-316, 2022)
      Over the past 50 years the part of digital games in our everyday’s mediause has consistently grown. They are thus an extremely revealing source for publichistory. This chapter argues that digital games are among other ...
    • “No One is Ever Ready for Something Like This.” – On the Dialectic of the Holocaust in First-Person Shooters as Exemplified by Wolfenstein: The New Order 

      Pfister, Eugen <Hochschule der Künste Bern – HKB, Bern, Switzerland>; Zimmermann, Felix <a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne/University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany> (E. Pfister, F. Zimmermann, “No One is Ever Ready for Something Like This.” – On the Dialectic of the Holocaust in First-Person Shooters as Exemplified by Wolfenstein: The New Order, «International Public History», vol. 4, 2021, n. 1, 2021)
      For almost three decades, the depiction of the Holocaust was considered taboo in digital games. While World War II became a popular historicizing setting for digital games, the crimes of the Nazi regime and the Holocaust ...
    • Playful Curation: A Case Study of Doki-Doki Station Museum’s Role in Preserving Digital Game History in Indonesia 

      Jiwandono, Haryo <Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia>; Purwandi, Edeliya Relanika <Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia> (H.P. Jiwandono, E.R. Purwandi, Playful Curation: A Case Study of Doki-Doki Station Museum’s Role in Preserving Digital Game History in Indonesia, «International Public History», vol. 4, 2021, n. 1, pp. 17-23, 2021)
      Digital game preservation is a key element in framing the historical importance of digital game culture. Digital game preservation processes in the global north, particularly in countries such as the United States and the ...
    • Reprogramming the History of Video Games: A Historian’s Approach to Video Games and Their History 

      Lawler, Jeffrey <California State University, Long Beach, USA>; Smith, Sean <California State University, Long Beach, USA> (J. Lawler, S. Smith, Reprogramming the History of Video Games: A Historian’s Approach to Video Games and Their History, «International Public History», vol. 4, 2021, n. 1, pp. 47-54, 2021)
      This paper explores the need and opportunities for historians to recognize the importance of video games to their research in modern American history. While this paper is rooted in examples specific to United States history, ...