Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Luigi Pirandello: la prima accoglienza della critica teatrale di Vienna e di Berlino 

      Bellavia, Sonia (2022)
      L’ingresso della drammaturgia di Pirandello nel circuito dei teatri di lingua tedesca è segnato dal debutto a Vienna, nell’aprile 1924, dei Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore (1921). Stimolato verosimilmente da quella prima ...
    • Refugees Welcome!? The Controversial Topic of Migration in German Museums 

      Pülm, Felix <Silpakorn University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand> (F. Pülm, Refugees Welcome!? The Controversial Topic of Migration in German Museums, «International Public History», vol. 3, 2020, n. 1,, 2020)
      This article deals with the representation of migration in German museums. Three exhibitions are examined, all of which dealt with the topic of migration in the year 2018. The exhibitions included are: “2 Million Years ...
    • Tedeschi, europeisti nonostante tutto 

      Benocci, Beatrice (2015)
      Are Germans still pro-Europe? And, even more, may the current behaviour of German Government be called pro-Europe? This work deals with this interesting topic analyz-ing, on one hand, the European policy of German govern-ment, ...