Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Pentecostalismo e identidad nacional. El uso de la iconografía en los templos pentecostales de Chile 

      Delgado López, Enrique; Palomo Hatem, Ludwing Eder Faisal (2020)
      In the early years of the twentieth century, an autochthonous Pentecostalism emerged in Chile, which, among other things, differed from the rest of the Latin American Pentecostalisms by the ornamentation of its temples, ...
    • Spaces: What’s at Stake in Their Digital Public Histories? 

      Coulter, Kimberly <Bavarian State Painting Collection in Munich, Germany>; Hardenberg, Wilko Graf von <Humboldt University in Berlin>; Jørgensen, Finn Arne <University of Stavanger, Norway> (K. Coulter, W. G. von Hardenberg, F. Arne Jørgensen, "Spaces: What’s at Stake in Their Digital Public Histories?", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 223-234, 2022)
      Public histories of spaces are often at the heart of territorial claims: theycan cultivate emotional identification, oreven build legitimizing facts on the ground.Digital technologies have increased public awareness of, ...