Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • «Ad occhi chiusi». Lacan (non) legge Poe 

      Anglani, Bartolo (2018)
      This paper muses on the famous Séminaire sur «La lettre volée» held by Jacques Lacan on April 26, 1955, and published in the first volume of Écrits (1966). According to such an analysis, Lacan isolated this narrative ...
    • Cartoline: la memoria e la sua forma visiva 

      Pieri, Lara <Istitute Valdichiana in Chiusi, Italy> (L. Pieri, "Cartoline: la memoria e la sua forma visiva", in L. Bravi, C. Martinelli, S. Oliviero (edited by), Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola, 2022, pp. v, 2022)
      "Cartoline" is a didactic method practised by the studies center "Yad Vashem". Starting from the observation and the study of an image, pupils and teachers think about it invlving themselves in a dynamic lesson stimulated ...
    • EIP on AHA ontology for adherence: knowledge representation advanced tools 

      Román-Villarán, Esther; Pérez-Leon, Francisco De Paula; Escobar-Rodriguez, German Antonio; Parra-Calderón, Carlos Luis (2019)
      Nowadays diseases tend to chronicle, mainly due to the increase in life expectancy and this leads to a state of polypharmacy. More than 1.5% of Spain's GDP is spent on pharmaceuticals and healthcare products. Complex ...
    • From innocence to experience. The seduction of knowledge in Melmoth the Wanderer 

      Pepe, Paolo (Roma : Carocci, 2022)
      This essay discusses one of the masterpieces of English Gothic literature: Melmoth the Wanderer (1820) by Charles Robert Maturin. The analysis focuses on the complex relationship established by the eponymous protagonist, ...
    • La quête de la lumière dans le poème «Voix du poète» di Giovanni Dotoli 

      Leo, Maria (Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
      L’autrice si concentra sul poema “Voix du poète”, tratto dalla collezione “La Voix Lumière” e cerca di svelare il pensiero di Giovanni Dotoli, illustrando come il concetto di luce si applichi ad una forma di soggettività ...
    • Il ruolo del sapere sociologico e le trasformazioni del welfare 

      Mangone, Emiliana (2016)
      Sociological knowledge objectified becomes indispensable to read the individual and / or social phenomena, in order to translate the theoretical premises in not only technical actions, but also reflective on the ...
    • Verso un’ecologia umana profonda. L’acqua e le connessioni nascoste della vita 

      Sparano, Eleonora (2019)
      The purpose of this work is to contribute to the thematic, theoretical, conceptual and methodological reconfiguration of contemporary sociology, faced with the challenges of time. The study of the relationship between ...