• From Anniversary to Anniversaryitis 

      Demantowsky, Marko (M. Demantowsky, From Anniversary to Anniversaryitis, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 11, 2014)
      Jubilees, anniversaries, commemoration days, public holidays, etc. Anniversaryitis. The coincidences of the calendar and the astronomical constellations that determine it are increasingly and, today, almost exclusively, ...
    • Practice vs. Theory and Rüsen’s New Historik 

      Demantowsky, Marko (M. Demantowsky, Practice vs. Theory and Rüsen’s New Historik, «Public history weekly», 1, 2013, n. 14, 2013)
      The article takes Jörn Rüsen’s new book on the theory of history as an opportunity to think more closely about the relationship between theory and practice, especially when it comes to teaching in the field of public ...
    • What is Public History 

      Demantowsky, Marko (M. Demantowsky, What is Public History. In "Public History and School: International Perspectives". 2018, Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 3-38., 2018)
    • What is Public History 

      Demantowsky, Marko (M. Demantowsky, "What is Public History ", in M. Demantowsky (a cura di), Public History and School: International Perspectives, pp. 1-38, 2018)