• A Matter of History' Or What to do With an Empty Plinth 

      Sentance, Nathan (N. Sentance, ‘A MATTER OF HISTORY’: Or What to do With an Empty Plinth, «Public History Review», 28 (2021), pp. 147-151, 2021)
      Can we engage in the discussion around colonial monuments if we not are prepared to engage in potentially uncomfortable conversations about our shared history? This commentary asks this and questions why we velementally ...
    • A Queer Search for Ancestral Legitimacy. English-Language Gay Lists as Historical Memory Before 1969 

      Collay, Jay (J. Collay, A Queer Search for Ancestral Legitimacy: English-Language Gay Lists as Historical Memory Before 1969. Public History Review, 29 (2022), pp. 20–30, 2022)
      The practice among queer people of compiling lists of famous historical figures that modern eyes may comfortably identify as queer and/or trans* persists, and has persisted, as a form of communal transmission of memory for ...
    • Lo andino en la historia: raíces de una elusiva identidad 

      Ayala Mora, Enrique (2018)
      The present research article shows that behind the historical process studied there is a unification of history through the paradigms of the civilizing hegemony of the West. The process, deeply and rigorously explained through ...
    • Beyond the Disciplinary Borders : A New Challenge 

      D'Angelo, Giuseppe; Mangone, Emiliana (2016)
      Present society needs a new approach to knowledge, mainly required by the fast succession of the transformation of society and by the multidimensionality of the daily life problems. It is necessary, therefore, a more and ...
    • La Constitution et la memoire historique: progres ou regression du constitutionnalisme? 

      Pierré-Caps, Stéphane <Université de Lorraine> (S. Pierré-Caps, La Constitution et la mémoire historique: progrès ou régression du constitutionnalisme?, «Rivista di diritti comparati», n.1 (2024), pp. 69-77, 2024)
      Liberal constitutionalism, traditionally defined as the status of political power, also contains a self-representation of society, expressed by the concept of nation. For a long time, the concept of nation was unthinkable ...
    • Dark Pasts in the Landscape: Statue Wars in Western Australia 

      Gregory, Jenny (2021-06-22)
      In an era of reconciliation and truth-telling, many have questioned the symbolic power of statues. A storm of controversy across the globe galvanised an electric energy in which many statues were damaged or toppled. Statues ...
    • Digital Personal Memories: The Archiving of the Self and Public History 

      Schafer, Valérie <University of Luxembourg> (V. Schafer, "Digital Personal Memories: The Archiving of the Self and Public History", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 377-384, 2022)
      By providing a facilitated access to data storage, digital technologies seemto make expression and preservation of the self more straightforward. They reconfi-gure the means and forms of access to data, thus also affecting ...
    • Digital Public History Inside and Outside the Box 

      Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa> (E. Salvatori, Digital Public History Inside and Outside the Box, «Magazén» 1, 2020, n. 2, pp. 203-222, (2020)
      The relationship between history and information technology is long and troubled. Many projects have opened and closed, many pioneering initiatives have achieved success and attention, but often they have not ‘taught’ ...
    • Driving Reflections about the Mediterranean Migrations 

      De Noronha, Teresa; Mangone, Emiliana (2018)
      The present paper refers to the general theoretical framing upon migrations and Mediterranean. It is an example of multidisciplinary view, which intertwines philosophic aspects and sociological requirements in a clearly ...
    • ‘Duetto’ di Virgilio Sieni e Alessandro Certini: dal contesto coreografico del 1989 alla ripresa di RIC.CI del 2011 

      Caterina Giangrasso, Angrisani (Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2022)
      L’elaborato propone un’analisi di doppio contesto storico di un progetto coreografico: “Duetto” di Virgilio Sieni e Alessandro Certini. Il doppio contesto storico di riferimento è quello del 1989, anno in cui il progetto ...
    • Exhibiting the Past. Public Histories of Education 

      Herman, Frederich <University of Luxembourg>; Braster, Sjaak <University of Luxembourg>; Pozo Andres, María Mar del <University of Luxembourg> (F. Herman, S. Braster, M. del Mar del Pozo Andrés, Exhibiting the Past: Public Histories of Education, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023, 2023)
      Per quanto riguarda le questioni pubbliche, la storia è importante. Con l’interesse mondiale rivolto a questioni storiche legate a genere, religione, razza, nazione e identità, la Public History sta diventando il ramo più ...
    • La “Festa della Storia”: un progetto di public history 

      Borghi, Beatrice <Università di Bologna> (B. Borghi, La “Festa della Storia”: un progetto di public history, «Heritage & Museography», n. 14, 2014, pp. 21-28, (2014)
      The article contains some considerations on the concept of “public history”, the idea developed in the early Seventies of the last Century in the United States, in Canada and in the Anglo-Saxon world, that is the history ...
    • I giorni della Memoria e del Ricordo. I viaggi di formazione nelle scuole toscane come Public History of Education 

      Bravi, Luca <Università di Firenze> (L. Bravi, I giorni della Memoria e del Ricordo. I viaggi di formazione nelle scuole toscane come Public History of Education, in G. Bandini, S. Oliviero (a cura di), "Public History of Education: riflessioni, testimonianze, esperienze", 2019, pp. 185-196, (2019)
      The construction of social cadres of memory is a process that is linked to the selection and oblivion of historical events, through a collective narrative aiming at building a sense of belonging and citizenship. Is it ...
    • Interpreting History Through Fiction Three Writers Discuss their Methods 

      Conroy, Thom <Massey University>; Grochowicz, Joanna; Sanders, Cristina (T. Conroy, J. Grochowicz, C. Sanders, Interpreting History Through Fiction: Three Writers Discuss their Methods, Public History Review, 29 (2022), pp. 195–206, 2022)
      In ‘Interpreting History Through Fiction: Three Writers Discuss their Methods’, creative historical authors Thom Conroy, Joanna Grochowicz and Cristina Sanders engage in a conversation about the intersection of history and ...
    • Learning Public History by doing Public History 

      Kelly, Mills <George Mason University, USA> (M.Kelly, "Learning Public History by doing Public History”, in Handbook of Digital Public History,Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 211-222, 2022)
      How should we teach public history undergraduate students the digitalliteracy and skills they will need in their future careers as public historians? Thisessay examines the current state of teaching digital public history ...
    • Listening to, Watching, Living and, Ultimately, Learning History. On and off the Web 

      Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa> (E. Salvatori, Listening to, Watching, Living and, Ultimately, Learning History. On and off the Web, in "L'histoire contemporaine à l'ère numérique=Contemporary history in the digital age, a cura di F. Clavert e S. Noiret, pp. 331-346, Bruxelles [etc.]: Peter Lang, 2013, 2013)
      Depuis plusieurs décennies, les usages du numérique en histoire se multiplient. Mais l’histoire contemporaine est parfois restée à la marge de ce mouvement. Ce livre, qui recouvre divers usages du numérique, ses outils, ...
    • La memoria come impegno civile. Il racconto della Resistenza nell’Italia repubblicana 

      Calvetto, Silvano <Università di Torino> (S. Calvetto, "La memoria come impegno civile. Il racconto della Resistenza nell’Italia repubblicana", in L. Bravi, C. Martinelli, S. Oliviero (edited by), Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola, 2022, pp. 35-44, 2022)
      In modern societies two processes seem to be carried on simultaneously. On one side, the traditional shape assumed by historical knowledge seems dissolving. On the other side, another exigence has to be affirmed: the ...
    • Niue Fakahoamotu Nukutuluea Motutefua Nukututaha: Critical Discussions of Niue History in and Beyond Aotearoa New Zealand 

      Pasisi, Jessica <University of Otago>; Fa'avae, IIoane Aleke <Unitec Institute of Technology>; Lavatangaloa Henry, Zoë Catherine <University of Auckland>; Atfield-Douglas, Rennie <University of Auckland>; Makaola, Toliain; Lisimoni Togahai, Birtha <University of the South Pacific, Niue Campus>; Feilo, Zora <Tupumaiga A Niue Trust>; Pilisi, Asetoa Sam <University of Auckland> (J. Pasisi, Z. C. L. Henry, I. A. Fa’avae, R. AtfieldDouglas, B. L. Togahai, T. Makaola, Z. Feilo, A. S. Pilisi, Niue Fakahoamotu Nukutuluea Motutefua Nukututaha: Critical Discussions of Niue History in and Beyond Aotearoa New Zealand. Public History Review, 29 (2022), pp. 67–77, 2021)
      Bringing together Niue scholars, creatives and thinkers from various disciplines and fields, this article is the culmination of two conference roundtables, a history panel, and multiple ongoing discussions about critically ...
    • Paulo Freire: historia y utopía (homenaje en el cen-tenario de su nacimiento) 

      Rojas Osorio, Carlos (2022)
      Presented are some ideas of Paulo Freire about history and specifi-cally his criticism of postmodernism with his ideology of the end of his-tory, the end of socialism, the end of utopia and the end of ideologies. ...
    • Public History e diffusione sociale della storia: la fotografia come fonte privilegiata 

      Scanagatta, Manfredi (M. Scanagatta, Public History e diffusione sociale della storia: la fotografia come fonte privilegiata, «Rivista di studi di fotografia», 3, 2017, n. 5, pp. 30-51, (2017)
      Public History seeks to provide a method for researching and disseminating history, while at the same time engaging with different types of public. Public historians study documentary sources and languages in order to ...