• Current Concepts on Diagnosis and Treatment of Mastocytosis 

      Magliacane, Diomira; Parente, Roberto; Triggiani, Massimo (2014)
      Mastocytosis is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by a clonal proliferation and accumulation of mast cells in one or more organ, primarily in the skin and bone marrow. The clinical spectrum of the disease ...
    • Perioperative anaphylactic risk score for risk-oriented premedication 

      Manfredi, Giacomo; Pezzuto, Francesco; Balestrieri, Antonella; Lo Schiavo, Mario; Montera, Maria Carmela; Pio, Antonio; Iannelli, M.; Gargano, Domenico; Bianchi, M.J.; Casale, Giuseppe; Galimberti, Maurizio; Triggiani, Massimo; Piazza, Ornella (2013)
      Basing on the current knowledge, this paper is aimed to review the core characteristics of the most relevant therapeutic agents (steroids and antihistamines), administered to prevent perioperative anaphylaxis. Moreover, ...
    • Sensitizazion to common and uncommon pets or other furry animals: which may be common mechanisms? 

      Liccardi, Gennaro; Triggiani, Massimo; Piccolo, Amedeo; Salzillo, Antonello; Parente, Roberta; Manzi, Flavio Ricardo; Vatrella, Antonio (2016)
      Exposure to animal allergens constitutes a relevant risk factor for the development of allergic sensitization. Moreover, an increasing number of people become owners of less common animals. In this article we summarize ...