• La genitorialità tra biodiritto e regulatory competition nello spazio giuridico europeo 

      Pignataro, Gisella (2023)
      The legitimation of biotechnology in the matter of filiation has not innovated the binary system of attribution of parenthood, which cannot be circumvented by regulatory competition between legal systems not only in ...
    • Human Rights, Right of asylum, Refugees. Migrant’s Dignity as a Common good 

      Di Santo, Luigi (2018)
      The road toward the foundation of a necessary inter-ethnic civilization imposes us to build the meeting among each men’s experiences. In this regard it is important, in our opinion, to refer to the concept of “migrant”, ...
    • Vol. 3, n. 1 (2021), Special Issue: Pedagogia e Politica. Costruire comunità pensanti 

      Mannese, Emiliana; Violante, Luciano; Buttafuoco, Pietrangelo; Caligiuri, Mario; Carboni, Carlo; Ceruti, Mauro; Bellusci, Francesco; Colosimo, Maria Luisa; Dipasquale, Giuseppe; Elia, Giuseppe; Ferrari, Franco; Impagliazzo, Marco; Leganza, Ginevra; Lombardi, Maria Grazia; Ricci, Serena; Salmeri, Stefano; Sirignano, Fabrizio Manuel; Damilano, Marco; Riva, Maria Grazia; Fiorucci, Massimiliano; Balzano, Vito; Cagol, Michele; Castaldi, Maria Chiara; Della Piana, Bice; Donato, Donatella; García de Fez, Sandra; Giordano, Marco; Rubin, Antonia (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-09-24)