Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • La Banda della Uno Bianca attraverso lo spettacolo-inchiesta 

      Cosentino, Vincenzo (V. Cosentino, "La Banda della Uno Bianca attraverso lo spettacolo-inchiesta", «Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi», 2023, n.7, 2023)
      La Banda della Uno Bianca è stata un’organizzazione criminale fortemente attiva a Bologna a fine anni Ottanta, inizio Novanta. Verrà presa in esame la loro storia e la rappresentazione teatrale messa in scena a Bologna ...
    • Il cinema audiotattile. Suono e immagine nel nuovo sistema dei media 

      Iannotta, Antonio (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-05-01)
      The research investigates the changing relationship between sound and vision in the contemporary motion picture as a result of their recent integration in the digital media system. My goal is to track the most important ...
    • Disegno d’ombre. L’innovazione scenica del Bauhaus 

      Amendola, Alfonso (Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
      The essay investigates how the Bauhaus theatre fits within the avant-garde chapter recovering the concept of "shadow" and which innovation elements of the Bauhaus are present in contemporary stage experimentation. ...
    • Europe / Mediterranean: Media Treatment of the Immigrant 

      Mangone, Emiliana; Pece, Emanuela (2017)
      People define their own behaviour on the basis of their perception of Others, as well as of the expectations they have towards them, paying particular attention to the socio-cultural context of belonging and the reference ...
    • Hardcore history: ovvero la storia in podcast 

      Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa> (E. Salvatori, Hardcore history: ovvero la storia in podcast, «Memoria e Ricerca», 30, 2009, pp. 171-187, 2009)
      his essay wish to analyze several podcasts of historical subject, independent and institutional ones, that have simple popular contents or educational aims or commercial purposes. The analysis is lead on podcast in Italian, ...
    • Oltre la rappresentazione novecentesca delle dinamiche di opinione:la riconfigurazione del modello della doxasfera 

      Cristante, Stefano (2020)
      This article proposes a descriptive model of the performing areas present in the communication dynamics (doxasphere). This model allows us to redefine the bottlenecks of the concepts of public ...
    • Prima della Lehman Trilogy: Stefano Massini tra impegno, poesia, dubbio e divino 

      Cioffrese, Davide (Avellino : Associazione culturale Sinestesie, 2018)
      An analysis concerning the work of young theatre director and playwright Stefano Massini, with its focus split in three main lines of inquiry, both formal and thematic: the commitment to a social cause, conveyed through ...
    • Pulp, media e nuove fonti. I venticinque anni di ‘Gioventù cannibale’ 

      Papadia, Giulio (Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021)
      The paper returns to Gioventù cannibale 25 years after his release. After discussing about his adherence to pulp paradigms, it looks to characterizing aspects of the “cannibale” writ-ing: assimilation of media suggestions, ...
    • Shared identities Scambi, rappresentazioni, media e consumi culturali delle soggettività contemporanee 

      Bernabei, Vincenzo (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-04-20)
      L'identità sembra essere il punto critico in cui si riversano le tensioni del corpo sociale durante le fasi di crisi, ma anche la base da cui spesso si riparte verso nuove conquiste culturali, politiche e scientifiche. ...
    • Young Muslims and Islamophobia in Italy: What is at Stake? 

      Premazzi, Viviana (2021)
      The objective of the paper is to highlight the complexity of Islam in Italy, between first and second generations, the role played by the media in depicting Islam as the ultimate other-ness, discussing whether ...