Sliding mode control of DC/DC switching converters for photovoltaic applications
The maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is one of the most important features of a system that
process the energy produced by a photovoltaic generator must hold. It is necessary, in fact, to
design a controller that is able to set the value of voltage or current of the generator and always
ensure the working within its maximum power point. This point can considerably change its
position during the day, essentially due to exogenous variations, then sunshine and temperature. The
MPPT techniques presented in literature and adopted in commercially devices operate a voltage
control of the photovoltaic generator and require careful design of the control parameters. It is in
fact complex obtain high performance both in stationary that strongly variable conditions of
sunshine without a careful choice of some parameters that affect in both conditions the performance
of the algorithm for the MPPT. In this thesis has been addressed the analysis of an innovative
current-based MPPT technique: the sensing of the current in the capacitor placed in parallel with the
photovoltaic source is one of the innovative aspects of the proposal. The controller is based on a
nonlinear control technique called ”sliding mode” of which has been developed an innovative
model that allow to obtain a set of conditions and enable the designing of the controller with
extreme simplicity. The model also allow to demonstrate how the performance of this MPPT
control tecnique are independent not only from the characteristics and operating conditions of the
photovoltaic generator, but also by the parameters of the switching converter that implements the
control. This property allows a significantly simplification in the designing of the controller and
improve the performance in presence of rapid changes of the irradiance. An approach to the
dynamic analysis of a class of DC/DC converters controlled by a sliding mode based maximum
power point tracking for photovoltaic applications has been also presented. By referring to the boost
and SEPIC topologies, which are among the most interesting ones in photovoltaic applications, a
simple analytical model is obtained. It accounts for the sliding mode technique that allows to
perform the maximum power point tracking of the photovoltaic generator connected at the
converters input terminals. Referring to the previous approach, a correction term allowing to have
an increased accuracy of the model at high frequencies has been also derived. The control technique
proposed has been implemented by means of low cost digital controller in order to exploit the
potential offered by the hardware device and optimize the performance of the controller. An
extensive experimental analysis has allowed to validate the results of the research. The laboratory
measurements were conducted on prototypes of DC/DC converters, boost and SEPIC, carried out
by Bitron SpA. There are a considerable experimental tests both in the time and in the frequency
domain , both using source generator in laboratory than photovoltaic panels. The results and
theoretical simulations have found a large validation through laboratory measurements. [edited by Author]