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dcterms.contributor.authorBenocci, Beatrice Concetta Caterina
dc.description2014 - 2015it_IT
dc.description.abstractThe work is a contribution to the understanding of one of the most interesting topic in our history: the Germany's transformation from an aggressive state to an international power, today shared and necessary. The volume is divided into four different topics: the first, dedicated to the close relationships between Europe and Germany; the second, is about the path of liberation followed by Germany from the constraints of World War II - the only prerequisite for the recovery of the German central role in the international scene; the third, dedicated to the German economy, itself a driving force of the political and cultural success of the German nation; a fourth, dedicated to the constituent elements of the German cultural model. Finally, the book analyzes the difficult German relationship with rearmament both atomic and conventional. It follows an articulated analysis on the concept of power and on the role now played by Germany in the European and international scene. [edited by Author]it_IT
dcterms.publisher.alternativeUniversita degli studi di Salernoit_IT
dcterms.subjectLeading powerit_IT
dcterms.titleLa Germania necessaria. L'emergere di una nuova leading power, tra potenza economica e modello culturaleit_IT
dcterms.title.alternativeL'emergere di una nuova leading power, tra potenza economica e modello culturaleit_IT
dcterms.typeDoctoral Thesisit_IT
dc.contributor.coordinatorePendenza, Massimoit_IT
dc.description.cicloXIV n.s.it_IT
dc.contributor.tutorRossi, Luiginoit_IT
dc.identifier.DipartimentoScienze Politiche, Sociali e della Comunicazioneit_IT
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