• La «relatio transcendens» nel pensiero di Duns Scoto 

      Cirami, Salvatore (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2019-07-19)
      «Relatio transcendens» is a well-known topic among John Duns Scotus’ scholars. Indeed, Scotus was the very first thinker who made a quite extensive use of this notion throughout his works. However, research on this notion ...
    • Il ruolo dell’ipostasi nella concezione ontologica di Gregorio Palamas 

      Guerra, Raffaele (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2019-02-26)
      The work moves from the intention to verify the presence of an hypostasiology in the ontological conception of Gregory Palamas, ascertained, from one side, that the critical literature on the hesychast theologian has ...
    • Semina veritatis. Geschichte und Metaphysik bei Leibniz 

      Amberger, Hannes (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-07-14)
      La mia tesi è dedicata alla concezione di Leibniz della storia della filosofia e il rapporto tra essa e la metafisica. Come mostro nel mio lavoro, Leibniz presenta una concezione progressiva della storia della filosofia, ...
    • I Sermones di Goffredo di San Vittore. Edizione, studio e commento 

      Sordillo, Antonio (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-07-20)
      This doctoral thesis proposes a critical edition of the thirty-two Sermones of Godfrey of Saint Victor (almost entirely unpublished until today) with an apparatus of biblical and liturgical, classical, patristic and ...
    • Teoria degli universali e conoscenza della realtà in Pietro Aureoli 

      Fornasieri, Giacomo (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2019-07-26)
      The aim of my dissertation is to investigate how universal concepts are formed according to the later medieval Franciscan theologian Peter Auriol (d. 1322). Specifically, in the dissertation I inquiry into the relation ...
    • The philosophical-theological method of Nicholas of Cusa in his De Beryllo 

      Russo, Eugen (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2018-11-28)
      The work first examines the status of De Beryllo as a less-studied work from Cusanus’ corpus, with relatively little secondary literature, which is furthermore divided between different traditions and languages (particularly ...
    • Tradizioni di fondazione nella Dodecapoli ionica d'Asia Minore 

      Novello, Alfredo (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-07-13)
      This work is a reconstruction of the foundation accounts of seven cities members of the Ionian Dodekapolis in Asia Minor (Lebedos, Klazomenai, Phocaea, Erythrai, Teos, Priene and Samos). The investigation is carried out ...
    • Un’indagine intorno alla negazione nelle opere di Giovanni Duns Scoto 

      Maserati, Matteo (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-07-20)
      This work aims at developing a first in-depth analysis about the topic of negation within the philosophical and theological production of John Duns Scotus. This research has been carried out resorting to two different ...