Now showing items 35-42 of 42

    • Seismic tomography of Italy (with special regard to Southern Tyrrhenian) 

      Pucciarelli, Giuseppe (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017-07-14)
      The topic of my PhD thesis is a seismic tomography which has as object of investigation Italy, particularly Southern Italy and Southern Tyrrhenian. This tomography has been obtained by means of inversion of teleseismic ...
    • Simulation and optimization of supply chains and networks using a macroscopic approach 

      De Nicola, Carmine (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-03-16)
      The aim of thesis is to present some macroscopic models for supply chains and networks able to reproduce the goods dynamics, successively to show, via simulations, some phenomena appearing in planning and managing such ...
    • Simulation and optimization of crowd dynamics using a multiscale model 

      Sorrentino, Luigi (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-04-11)
      In the last decades, the modeling of crowd motion and pedestrian .ow has attracted the attention of applied mathematicians, because of an increasing num- ber of applications, in engineering and social sciences, dealing ...
    • Some topics in fuzzy logic 

      Genito, Daniele (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2010-05-04)
      Si trattano diversi aspetti della logica fuzzy, in particolare: 1) le proprietà preservate da un modello fuzzy ogniqualvolta esso è sottoposto a qualche genere di modifica; 2) la programmazione logica fuzzy, la logica della ...
    • Some topics in the theory of generalized fc-groups 

      Romano, Emanuela (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-02-15)
      A finiteness condition is a group-theoretical property which is possessed by all finite groups: thus it is a generalization of finiteness. This embraces an immensely wide collection of properties like, for example, ...
    • Stochastic diffusion processes with jumps for cancer growth and neuronal activity models 

      Spina, Serena (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-05-22)
      In the last decades, great attention has been paid to the description of bio- logical, physical and engineering systems subject to various types of jumps. A jump, or catastrophe, is considered as a random event that ...
    • The role of randomness in avalanche statistics and synchronization of spring-block models 

      Esposito, Valentina (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017-07-14)
      Self-organized criticality is a collective behaviour whose main feature is that the dynamical system we are considering moves towards its critical point, without any tuning of adjustable external parameters. The most famous ...
    • Uniqueness and partition of energy for thermomicrostretch elastic solids backward intime 

      D'Amato, Maria (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-06-12)
      In questo lavoro, è mostrata l’unicità delle soluzioni per il problema a ritroso nel tempo della teoria lineare dei materiali elastici termomicrostretch, ed è provata l’impossibilità della localizzazione nel tempo della ...