Analysis and design of 4H-SiC bipolar mode field effect power (BMFET)
Analysis and design of a new Silicon Carbide polytype 4H (4H-SiC) bipolar power transistor are
the main topics of this Ph.D. thesis. The device is the Bipolar Mode Field Effect Transistor
(BMFET) and exploits the electric field due to the channel punching-through in order to have a
normally-off behavior and the minority carrier injection from the gate regions into the channel in
order to obtain the channel conductivity modulation. The structure of the transistor is oxide-free and
its advantages are due to the lower conduction resistance, to the higher output current density and
blocking voltage and to the elevated switching frequency, which make it competitive with
commercial 4H-SiC Junction Field Effect Transistors or Bipolar Junction Transistors.
These activities, which have been completed with the definition of the main process steps and of
the mask layouts, are supported by a technology activity and by an intense modeling activity of
BMFET electrical characteristics, which has been validated by comparisons with the results of
numerical simulator (ATLAS Silvaco) and the measures of commercial devices having a similar
structure, like Vertical-JFETs.
In the former activity, in order to obtain an integrated free-wheeling diode in anti-parallel
configuration to BMFET, an original 4H-SiC Schottky rectifier has been fabricated; precisely, for
the first time in the literature, DiVanadium PentOxide (V2O5), a Transition Metal Oxide, has been
used as anode contact of the rectifier. The device is a heterojunction between a thin V2O5 layer,
which is thermally evaporated and has a thickness of around 5nm, and a 4H-SiC n-type low doped
epilayer. By analyzing the JD-VD and CD-VD curves, the structure has a rectifier behavior with a
high/low current ratio higher than seven order of magnitude and its transport mechanism is
described by the thermionic emission theory characterized by a Schottky barrier height and an
ideality factor between 0.78eV and 0.85eV and between 1.025 and 1.06, respectively, at T=298K.
Because the gate doping concentration greatly influences the BMFET performances, as input
resistance, DC current gain and blocking voltage, Aluminum ion implantation process, used to
realize the Gate regions, is strongly analyzed in terms of the dose concentrations and of the
annealing temperature. It will show as the necessity of a low BMFET on-resistance, which is
possible with highly conductive gate regions in order to permit high injection levels of the minority
carriers, is counteracted by the Aluminum incomplete ionization in 4H-SiC. This phenomenon
together with the band-gap narrowing effect limits the hole carrier density from gate to channel.
The analysis, in collaboration with the Institute for the Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM)
of CNR in Bologna, Italy, consists to reveal the effects of various different doses at different
temperature annealing (1920K and 2170K) on the gate injection efficiency and on the input current
Since the introduction of the first normally-off Si JFET in ‘80 years, the description of the
potential barrier height into the channel has been unresolved due to the complex relations with the
channel geometry and bias conditions. In the second activity an analytical model of the potential
barrier height in the channel is proposed and compared with the numerical simulation results by
changing the channel length and width, respectively in the range 0.1÷6μm e 0.5÷3μm, the channel
doping concentration, between 1014÷1017cm-3, and the output and input bias voltages. Moreover, it
has been also validated by using Silicon as semiconductor material, permitting to extend it to other
devices with similar structures, like BSITs, VJFETs and SITs. From a further improvement of this
model, another has been developed, which is able to describe the trans-characteristics of the
transistor both in sub-threshold condition and in unipolar conduction, and the comparisons with
numerical simulations and experimental data validated the results.
Finally, the analysis of the input diode during the switching-off has been performed because the
switching capability of the BMFET depends on the storage charge into the channel during the “on”
state. The result is the development of an analytical model that describes the spatial distributions of
the electric field, of the minority carrier concentration and of the carrier current densities into the
epilayer at each instant during the switching, in addition obviously to the current and voltage
transients. It is shown as the combination of this model with another static model just developed in
a previous Ph.D. thesis is an useful instrument to understand how physical parameters, which are
dependent on the manufacturing processes, as carrier life-time and doping concentrations, can affect
the dynamic behavior. [edited by Author]