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Abstract: | The migration phenomenon has significantly grown over the last years. Migrants no longer consider Italy as a country of transit, but also as a final destination. Therefore, institutions and civil society organizations have explored new and un-precedented forms of collaboration. This paper presents the results of a survey aim-ing to analyse in depth the reasons underlying the migration project as well as to identify any forms of integration in the host country, starting from immigrant re-ception centres. The journey to Italy, as well as the related costs and risks have been considered from the migrant’s point of view. Most of the people interviewed come from Sub-Saharan Africa, mainly from the Gambia, Mali, Nigeria and Sene-gal. To have a more complete and comprehensive survey, it was deemed useful to analyse the standpoints of the operators who are professionally called to respond to this emergency. |
È visualizzato nelle collezioni: | Working Papers Series, Vol. 2017 |
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