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Abstract: | The research article is a controversial study in tone if the Latin American cultural identity is a metarrelato, an expression of unity or identity of the sameness exclusive or an identity in the difference of concrete historical character, inclusive, pluralistic culture and humanism. Through a qualitative methodology, the question of the thesis that Latin America emerged as a concept imported, and colonialist hegemonic. It also discusses the contemporary mode of argument the criterion that the conception of sudamericanidad invalidates the latinoamericanidad, proving that the conceptual constructs of South America and sudamericanidad have their genesis at the end of the 18th century and presence in the various currents of thought in the 19th and 20th centuries. In the conclusion, it is stressed that the creators of the category Latin America conceived as a synonym of sudamericanidad, from Mexico to the Strait of Magellan. And in this sense comes up to the present, so that there would be no contradiction between the two epistemes. |
È visualizzato nelle collezioni: | Cultura Latinoamericana. Vol. 27, Núm. 1 (enero-junio 2018) |
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