Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://elea.unisa.it/xmlui/handle/10556/3365
Abstract: Literature as an event, as mise-en-scène, results from the encounter of intrinsically performative literary texts with their performance. This can be said not only of films and theatrical transpositions of written texts which seem to be inherently performative, but also of new short forms – such as festivals, workshops and digital media – which convey the fragmented character of contemporary culture and are easily enjoyable for the reader/spectator. This paper aims to develop a reflection on the performative aspects of the didactics of literature and on the relationship between literary texts and their mise-en-scène in an educational context for an “action- and production-oriented” didactics of performative. Following the recent pedagogical theory, which is characterized by a performative perspective, my purpose is to suggest new performative approaches in teaching literature at university level. Particularly, a new form of artistic communication will be taken into account, the poetry slam and its potential didactic use for a mise-en-scène of the literary text. This approach is based on the student’s performance and active involvement in the class. The student, while asked to stage the literary text, acts as a trait d’union between textuality and performativity. At the core of the learning process, in addition to the analysis of the literary text, there are the student/performer and the class/audience who participate in the textual and scenic event.
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Testi e linguaggi. Vol.9 (2015)

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