Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://elea.unisa.it/xmlui/handle/10556/3441
Abstract: Ten years have almost passed since the project of a collection of Italianisms edited by Luca Serianni was stopped. Now a new research called oim (Osservatorio degli Italianismi nel Mondo: Observatory of Italianisms in the world) is starting with the support of the Accademia della Crusca. This paper deals with some considerations on the kind of work necessary for this challenge (first phase: definition of Italianism; second phase: data collection; third phase: control). Finally, it offers a reliable marking system that can make the degree of stabilization of the terms easily recognizable and can show how they mixed to various host languages.
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Testi e linguaggi. Volume 11 (2017)

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