Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://elea.unisa.it/xmlui/handle/10556/3504
Abstract: Critical work brings out the most intense and profound, subliminal motive of Foscolo’s “English” exile, which, in addition to its “added value” as an ethical-political paradigm and a political-civil institution, consists in translating the autobiographical dimension into their heroic ideals and transfuse them into idealized images, evoking certainly historical “figures”, but invested by his imaginary, emblematic mythical-poietic projections of titanic romantic power. Through the use of the sources and reports of other authors he consulted on the Ionic question and the tragic fate of Parga, comparing his interpretations with the current historiographical debate, the essay also highlights the evocatively narrated story of eradication and of exile of the inhabitants of Parga, forced to leave their homeland, also marks the moment of greater “contact” with the Nievo of the Confessioni, which ideally continues at a distance that attention towards the struggle for the Hellenic independence, to which the exile poet had given his passionate contribution.
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Testi e linguaggi. Volume 12 (2018)

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