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dcterms.contributor.authorRomoli, Francesca
dcterms.identifier.citationRomoli, F. Repertorio biblico e mediazione liturgica e patristica nello Slovo na voznesenie di Kirill Turovskij. "Europa Orientalis", 36 (2017): 137-156it_IT
dc.description.abstractBiblical Quotations, Liturgical and Patristic Mediation in the Slovo na voznesenie by Kirill Turovskij Given the role of liturgy in the culture of Slavia orthodoxa and its importance in Kirill Turovskij’s homiletics, the present article examines the mutual interaction of liturgy and patristic literature by analysing the Slovo o rasslablennom (Homily on the sick man) and Slovo o voznesenie (Homily for Ascension). Liturgical celebrations for the feast day of the sick man described in the Studite Typikon allow us to identify a source of the Slovo o rasslablennom in John Chrysostom’s Homilia 36 on the gospel of John, thereby demonstrating the liturgical mediation of patristic exegesis. The analysis of biblical quotations in the Slovo o voznesenie, in the liturgical celebrations for Ascension day, and in a group of (pseudo-)Chrysostomic homilies for the same feast reveals the common use of six passages: Acts 1:11, Psalm 24(23):7-8, Psalm 57(56):6, Psalm 47(46):2.6, Psalm 18(17):11 and Psalm 110(109):1. The Slovo mainly shares the passages with the matins of Ascension day and (pseudo-)Chrysostom Sermones 3-4 and Slovo 74. Beyond the alternative hypotheses of liturgical mediation of patristic literature or patristic mediation of liturgy, the evidence seems to prove the existence of a common biblicalliturgical-patristic field, presumably arising out of a mutual interaction. As a result of this interaction, a collective memory for Ascension day also arose, and the analysis seemingly provides concrete evidence for itit_IT
dcterms.format.extentP. 137-156it_IT
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dcterms.subjectEast Slavic Medieval Preachingit_IT
dcterms.subjectKirill Turovskijit_IT
dcterms.subjectSlovo o rasslablennomit_IT
dcterms.subjectSlovo na voznesenieit_IT
dcterms.subjectBiblica-Liturgical-Patristic Quotationsit_IT
dcterms.subjectLiturgical-Patristic Mediationit_IT
dcterms.titleRepertorio biblico e mediazione liturgica e patristica nello Slovo na voznesenie di Kirill Turovskijit_IT
dcterms.typeJournal Articleit_IT
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Europa Orientalis. XXXVI (2017)

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