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dcterms.contributor.authorLiotta, Giuseppe
dcterms.contributor.authorOrfila, Francesc
dcterms.contributor.authorVollenbroek-Hutten, Miriam
dcterms.contributor.authorRoller-Winsbergerm, Regina
dcterms.contributor.authorMusian, Daniele
dcterms.contributor.authorAlvino, Sam
dcterms.contributor.authorO'Caoimh, Ronan
dcterms.contributor.authorCano, Antonio
dcterms.contributor.authorMolloy, William
dcterms.contributor.authorIaccarino, Guido
dcterms.contributor.authorMarazzi, Maria Cristina
dcterms.contributor.authorInzerilli, Maria Chiara
dcterms.contributor.authorMadaro, Olga
dcterms.contributor.authorPaúl, Constança
dcterms.contributor.authorCsonka, Peter
dcterms.contributor.authorMenditto, Enrica
dcterms.contributor.authorMaggio, Maria
dcterms.contributor.authorScarcella, Paola
dcterms.contributor.authorGilardi, Fabrizio
dcterms.contributor.authorLucaroni, Francesca
dcterms.contributor.authorAbete, Pasquale
dcterms.contributor.authorGirardi, Viviane
dcterms.contributor.authorBarra, Rita
dcterms.contributor.authorPalombi, Leonardo
dcterms.identifier.citationLiotta G, Orfila F, Vollenbroek-Hutten M, Roller-Winsbergerm R, Illario M, Musian D, Alvino S, O'Caoimh R, Cano A, Molloy W, Iaccarino G, Marazzi MC, Inzerilli MC, Madaro O, Paul C, Csonka P, Vince AC, Menditto E, Maggio M, Scarcella P, Gilardi F, Lucaroni F, Abete P, Girardi V, Barra R, Palombi L. The european innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing synergies: protocol for a prospective observational study to measure the impact of a community-based program on prevention and mitigation of frailty (ICP –PMF) in community-dwelling older adults. Translational Medicine @ UniSa 2016, 15(8): 53-66.it_IT
dc.description.abstractAim of this paper is to describe the protocol of the study “Impact of a Community-based Program on Prevention and Mitigation of Frailty in communitydwelling older adults” developed in the framework of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. This proposal has been developed by the Partnership Action groups on frailty, fall prevention and polypharmacy in older. The proposal wants to assess the impact of community-based programs aimed to counteract three main outcomes related to frailty: hospitalization, institutionalization and death. Bringing together researchers from seven European countries, the proposal aims to achieve the critical mass and the geographical extension enough to provide information useful to all older European citizens. An observational study will be carried out to calculate the incidence of the different outcomes in relation to the various interventions that will be assessed; results will be compared with data coming from already established national, regional and local dataset using the observed/expected approach. The sample will be made up by at least 2000 citizens for each outcome. All the citizens will be assessed at the baseline with two multidimensional questionnaires: the RISC questionnaire and the Short Functional Geriatric Evaluation questionnaire. The outcomes will be assessed every six-twelve months.it_IT
dcterms.format.extentP. 53-66it_IT
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dcterms.subjectCommunity-based programsit_IT
dcterms.subjectDeath rateit_IT
dcterms.titleThe european innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing synergies: protocol for a prospective observational study to measure the impact of a community-based program on prevention and mitigation of frailty (ICP –PMF) in community-dwelling older adultsit_IT
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Translational Medicine @ UniSa. Volume 15 (may. - aug. 2016)

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