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dcterms.contributor.authorCataldi, Mauro
dcterms.contributor.authorDe Luca, Vincenzo
dcterms.contributor.authorTramontano, Giovanni
dcterms.contributor.authorDel Giudice, Carmine
dcterms.contributor.authorGrimaldi, Iolanda
dcterms.contributor.authorCuccaro, Paula
dcterms.contributor.authorSperanza, Patrizia
dcterms.contributor.authorIadicicco, Giuseppe
dcterms.contributor.authorIadicicco, Vincenzo
dcterms.contributor.authorCarotenuto, Felicia
dcterms.contributor.authorRiccio, Paolo A.
dcterms.contributor.authorDi Spigna, Gaetano
dcterms.contributor.authorRenzullo, Andrea
dcterms.contributor.authorVuolo, Laura
dcterms.contributor.authorBarrea, Luigi
dcterms.contributor.authorSavastano, Silvia
dcterms.contributor.authorColao, Annaria
dcterms.contributor.authorLiotta, Giuseppe
dcterms.contributor.authorIaccarino, Guido
dcterms.contributor.authorAbete, Pasquale
dcterms.contributor.authorBuono, Pasqualina
dcterms.contributor.authorVollenbroek-Hutten, Miriam
dcterms.contributor.authorIllario, Maddalena
dcterms.identifier.citationCataldi M, De Luca V, Tramontano G, Del Giudice C, Grimaldi I, Cuccaro P, Speranza P, Iadicicco G, Iadicicco V, Carotenuto F, Riccio PA, Di Spigna G, Renzullo A, Vuolo L, Barrea L, Savastano S, Colao A, Liotta G, Iaccarino G, Abete P, Buono P, Vollenbroek-Hutten M, Illario M. An approach to prevent frailty in community dwelling older adults: a pilot study performed in Campania region in the framework of the PERSSILAA project. Translational Medicine @ UniSa 2019, 19(7): 42-48.it_IT
dc.description.abstractWe developed and tested an innovative physical training method in older adults that embeds the gym program into everyday life in the most conservative way possible. Physical training was included in the activities of local parishes where older women from Southern Italy spend most of their free time and was delivered by trained physical therapists with the support of an ICT tool known as CoCo. 113 older women (aged 72.0 [69.0-75.0] years) noncompliant to conventional exercise programs participated to the study. 57 of them underwent the final anthropometric assessment and 50 the final physical tests. In study completers handgrip strength and physical performance evaluated with the chair-stand, the two minutes step and the chair-sit and -reach tests significantly improved. Quality of life as evaluated with the EuroQol-5dimension (EQ-5D) questionnaire improved as well. In conclusion, a training program designed to minimally impact on life habits of older people is effective in improving fitness in patients noncompliant to other to physical exercise programs.it_IT
dcterms.format.extentP. 42-48it_IT
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dcterms.subjectPhysical trainingit_IT
dcterms.subjectPhysical functionit_IT
dcterms.subjectPhysical performanceit_IT
dcterms.titleAn approach to prevent frailty in community dwelling older adults: a pilot study performed in Campania region in the framework of the PERSSILAA projectit_IT
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Translational Medicine @ UniSa. Volume 19 (jan.-jun. 2019)

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