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Collection's Items (Sorted by Data di deposito in Discendente order): 1 to 20 of 81
Data di edizioneTitoloAutore/i
22-feb-2024Molecular Properties Via Induced Current DensitiesSumma, Francesco F.; Pellecchia, Claudio; Zanasi, Riccardo
3-mar-2023Sustainable approaches for the synthesis and the chemical degradation of polyestersSantulli, Federica; Pellecchia, Claudio; Lamberti, Marina
10-mar-2023Towards new catalysts for polymerization of ethylene and copolymerization of ethylene with carbon monoxide: a rational design approachVoccia, Maria; Pellecchia, Claudio; Caporaso, Lucia; Falivene, Laura
6-giu-2023Asymmetric synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds through cascade Carbon-Carbon and Carbon-Heteroatom bond forming processesSerusi, Lorenzo; Pellecchia, Claudio; Massa, Antonio
13-mar-2023Isolation and characterization of lignins from Wheat straw and cardoon biomassesTrezza, Orfeo; Pellecchia, Claudio; D’Auria, Maurizio
17-giu-2022Molecular bases of gluten toxicity and Relationship with the enzyme Transglutaminase in celiac diseaseSposito, Silvia; Pellecchia, Claudio; Caputo, Ivana
30-mag-2022Complexes of coinage metals stabilized by N-heterocyclic carbenes: catalytic and biological activitiesSirignano, Marco; Pellecchia, Claudio; Longo, Pasquale
8-giu-2022Synthesis of Eco-Friendly Additives for Sustainable Tanning ProcessesQuaratesi, Ilaria; Pellecchia, Claudio; Neri, Placido
21-gen-2022Synthesis of New Naphthol-Based Macrocycles for Supramolecular ApplicationsDel Regno, Rocco; Pellecchia, Claudio; Gaeta, Carmine
6-giu-2022“Analysis of biochemical pathways involved into protective effects of bioactive compounds: focus on Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids”Di Gregorio, Ilaria; Pellecchia, Claudio; Lionetti, Lillà
5-giu-2022Monitoraggio e conservazione dei beni culturali Lapidei:indagini diagnostiche mediante tecniche Di superficie e metodologie innovative per Interventi di manutenzione sostenibileCardellicchio, Francesco; Pellecchia, Claudio; Salvi, Anna Maria
8-mar-2022New insights on the ecology of underground ecosystems toward a sustainable management strategyAddesso, Rosangela; Pellecchia, Claudio; Baldantoni, Daniela
20-giu-2022The Role of ABCC6 Transporter in the Purinergic System: from Oncology to Regenerative MedicineAbruzzese, Vittorio; Pellecchia, Claudio; Bisaccia, Faustino
10-mag-2021Capsicum annuum senise and solanum aethiopicum Rotonda: phytochemical profile and cell-based assaysSinisgalli, Chiara; Pellecchia, Claudio; Ostuni, Angela
26-lug-2021Combined adsorption and solar driven photocatalysis processes for the removal of persistent contaminants from water by highly porous nanocomposite aerogelsNavarra, Wanda; Pellecchia, Claudio; Carotenuto, Maurizio
13-feb-2020Solid state dynamic behaviour of organic moleculesPierri, Giovanni; Zanasi, Riccardo; Tedesco, Consiglia; De Riccardis, Francesco
14-feb-2020Dynamical control of engineered stimuli-responsive materials: synthesis and optimization of active micro-vesiclesMiele, Ylenia; Zanasi, Riccardo; Proto, Antonio; Taylor, Annette; Rossi, Federico; Izzo, Lorella
19-feb-2020Stereoselectivity in asymmetric processes and molecular assembliesMarsico, Giulia; Zanasi, Riccardo; Superchi, Stefano; Scafato, Patrizia
20-apr-2021Comparative studies on the physiological adaption of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum to envirnmental xenobiotics from invertebrate to mammalsBurgos-Aceves, Mario Alberto; Pellecchia, Claudio; Lionetti, Lillà; Faggio, Caterina; Morelos-Castro, Rosa Marìa
28-apr-2021Development of eco-sustainable methodologies for innovative materials inspired by cellulose fibersCiarfaglia, Nicola; Pellecchia, Claudio; Bochicchio, Brigida; La Spina, Angelo; Pepe, Antonietta; Dandurand, Jany
Collection's Items (Sorted by Data di deposito in Discendente order): 1 to 20 of 81