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Collection's Items (Sorted by Data di deposito in Discendente order): 21 to 35 of 35
Data di edizioneTitoloAutore/i
2-lug-2012Interplay of spin-orbital correlations and structural distortions in Ru- and Cr- based perovskite systemsGrella, Giuseppe; Noce, Canio; Cuoco, Mario; Autieri, Carmine
3-mar-2012Nb nanoporous ultrathin films: matching effects and interconnected wiresGrella, Giuseppe; Attanasio, Carmine; Trezza, Michele
30-mag-2012Magneto-transport properties of thin superconducting strips in the framework of Time Dependent Ginzburg Landau modelGrella, Giuseppe; Carapella, Giovanni; Sabatino, Paolo
13-giu-2012The ground deformations: tools, methods and application to some Italian volcanic regionsGrella, Giuseppe; Scarpa, Roberto; Romano, Pierdomenico
4-giu-2012Trasporto quantistico di spin in eterostrutture magneticheGrella, Giuseppe; Citro, Roberta; Sorgente, Alessandro
30-mar-2012Electric transport properties of S/F hybrids: weak and inhomogenous ferromagnetGrella, Giuseppe; Attanasio, Carmine; Katsiaryna, Ilyina
30-apr-2012Dissipation, mixing and two level system in quantum field theoryGrella, Giuseppe; Vitiello, Giuseppe; Bruno, Angelo
13-mag-2011Detailed study of local and regional seismicity recorded by the underground UNDERSEIS array at Gran Sasso (Central Italy)Grella, Giuseppe; Scarpa, Roberto; La Rocca, Mario; Formisano, Luisa Anna
10-mag-2011Flavor mixing in quantum field theory and quantum informationGrella, Giuseppe; De Siena, Silvio; Di Mauro, Marco
30-mag-2011Transport and proximity effect in unconventional ferromagnet/superconductor heterostructuresGrella, Giuseppe; Noce, Canio; Cuoco, Mario; Annunziata, Gaetano
6-giu-2011Exact solutions in general relativity and alternative theories of gravity: mathematical and physical propertiesGrella, Giuseppe; Vilasi, Gaetano; Canonico, Rosangela
20-apr-2011The neutrino interaction analysis chain in OPERAGrella, Giuseppe; Grella, Giuseppe; Bozza, Cristiano; Autiero, Dario; Rescigno, Regina
13-mag-2011Magnetic orbital and transport properties in LaMnO3 based based heterostructuresGrella, Giuseppe; Costabile, Giovanni; Mechin, Laurence; Galdi, Alice
21-apr-2011Improvements in the acoustical modelling of traffic noise prediction: theoretical and experimental resultsGrella, Giuseppe; Quartieri, Joseph; Iannone, Gerardo
27-apr-2010Investigation of the groundwater-river interaction, using Radon-222 as a natural tracer, in a karst Mediterranean environment like in the case study of the Bussento river basinSalerno, Mario; Guida, Michele; Guadagnuolo, Davide
Collection's Items (Sorted by Data di deposito in Discendente order): 21 to 35 of 35