Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://elea.unisa.it/xmlui/handle/10556/6338
Titolo: Negacionismo y posverdad en el discurso político institucional de Bolsonaro
Autore: De Rosa, Gian Luigi
Parole chiave: COVID-19;Bolsonaro;Negationism;Post-truth;Institutional political discourse
Data: 2021
Citazione: De Rosa, G. L. (2021).Negacionismo y posverdad en el discurso político institucional de Bolsonaro. Cultura Latinoamericana, 34(2), pp. 48-65. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14718/CulturaLatinoam.2021.34.2.3
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze Bolsonaro’s institutional political com-munication during the COVID-19 pandemic. The text develops the argu-ment in two complementary phases: on the one hand, by analyzing the political language, that can be considered as specialized language, used in Bolsonaro’s institutional political communication.On the other hand, by focusing on the negationist and post-truth strategies of banalization of the pandemic present in official statements.
URI: https://editorial.ucatolica.edu.co/index.php/RevClat/article/view/4462/4001
ISSN: 2539-0791
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Cultura Latinoamericana. Vol. 34 Núm. 2 (julio-diciembre 2021)

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