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dc.contributor.authorCastellano, Simona-
dc.description2019 - 2020it_IT
dc.description.abstractStarting from the centrality that networked publics – "digital sponges", as we defined them – have in the mediascape in which we live, the research objectives that also guided the definition of the working methodology start from the desire to investigate in a specific way some aspects that concern users who live in online media environments, in particular social ones and linked to participatory practices and media consumption that find space within social networks, following a generational approach. For a methodical choice that would aim at an easier reading of the phenomena, we decided to proceed with a dichotomous articulation of the work. For the first part, we selected the most pertinent contributions for the research and also the most useful studies for the purposes of a holistic understanding of the topics, for the best delineation of a background and theoretical framework for the development of the empirical part. Four macro-themes were thus identified (summarized in 1) social networks; 2) publics; 3) media and generations; 4) media consumption), which act as a toolbox for the second part. We focused on the analysis of the development of the social network society, which has a fundamental importance for understanding the dynamics that regulate contemporary digital society and the field in which the dynamics and practices object of the research expand, then proceeding with a formulation of the characteristics and the logic of social media, recalling the main studies in the sector. Social media today represent privileged places through which to study relational, identity, performative and participatory practices of individuals, as well as the evolution of media consumption, remediated on these platforms, according to the logic of digital media and the grammars that characterize them. We also focused on the macro-concept of audience, with particular regard to the definition of networked publics, using first of all audience studies, crucial for understanding how the contemporary spectator-consumer-user approaches the media, in a renewed techno-socio-cultural landscape, and how consumes the media products. Following the definition of audiences that characterize the digital society, we decided to focus on the relationship between generations and the media, starting from the definition of the concept of generation and the studies of Karl Mannheim. We then proceeded with the identification of the generational cohorts and with the characterization of each of them, following the common thread represented by the media, defining then the relationship between digital media and online generations. ... [editeb by Author]it_IT
dc.publisherUniversita degli studi di Salernoit_IT
dc.subjectSocial mediait_IT
dc.subjectPratiche partecipativeit_IT
dc.titleSpugne digitali. Utenti e social network tra consumi mediali e pratiche partecipative in un confronto generazionaleit_IT
dc.typeDoctoral Thesisit_IT
dc.contributor.coordinatoreFimiani, Filippoit_IT
dc.description.cicloXXXIII cicloit_IT
dc.contributor.tutorFrezza, Luigiit_IT
dc.identifier.DipartimentoScienze politiche e della comunicazioneit_IT
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Scienze del linguaggio, della società, della politica e dell'educazione

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