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dcterms.contributor.authorPastore, Fabio-
dcterms.contributor.authorParisi, Valentina-
dcterms.contributor.authorRomano, Rosalba-
dcterms.contributor.authorRengo, Giuseppe-
dcterms.contributor.authorPagano, Gennaro-
dcterms.contributor.authorKomici, Klara-
dcterms.contributor.authorLeosco, Dario-
dcterms.identifier.citationPastore F, Parisi V, Romano R, et al. Genetic test for dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathies: useful or less than useful for patients? Translational Medicine @ UniSa. 2013;5(5):14-17en_US
dc.description.abstractGenetic testing for potentially heritable cardiomyopathies has advanced from basic scientific discovery to clinical application. Nowadays, genetic diagnostic tests for cardiomyopathies are clinically available. As a consequence is fundamental the understanding of the clinical utility, in terms of diagnosis and prognosis, of genetic test results. In addition, the genetic counselling, regarding risks, benefits and options, is recommended for all patients and their relatives. However the relation between genotype and phenotype remains often unclear, and there is frequently a variance of uncertain significance. Consequently, the genetic test should always be approached as one component of a comprehensive cardio-genetic evaluation. This review aims to explore when genetic tests are indicated in patients with dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.en_US
dcterms.format.extentP. 14-17en_US
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoen_US
dcterms.subjectDilated cardiomyopathyen_US
dcterms.subjectHypertrophic cardiomyopathyen_US
dcterms.subjectGenetic testingen_US
dcterms.titleGenetic test for dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathies: useful or less than useful for patients?en_US
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Translational Medicine @ UniSa. Vol.5 (jan.-apr. 2013)

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