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Abstract: | We need a theoretical model that would allow us to analyze the data offered by the use of language in context. In the case proposed here, the use of the so-called verb tenses. We can create a model or also make use of an already existing one. It should suffice that we can validate it with the results of data analysis, that it does not produce exceptions or contraventions, and ideally that it homogeneously accounts for other linguistic uses, not just the verbal ones. As a previous step, however, to the use or shaping of a model, we need to look at these uses closely. Among other reasons, to check which insights this observation can provide in the construction of the model. The results of such an examination are offered here. This will also allow us to appreciate the role played by implicature in the creation of temporal meaning in verbs. |
È visualizzato nelle collezioni: | Testi e linguaggi. Volume 17 (2023) |
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