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Abstract: The following contribution aims to analyze the consequences of an approach based on the multi-transla- tion of Cent mille milliards de poèmes by Raymond Queneau. Multi-translation simultaneously provides the reader with different L2 versions of the same word or sentence. This approach allows to reflect on and consider the text from different points of view. Our proposed translation is based on the three different versions of the ten sonnets that constitute the original work. They can be summarized as follows: – translation 1 is realized without any support from dictionaries and consequently presents voluntary mistranslations; – translations 2 reprocesses the criticalities of T1 through the help of linguistic supports and literary criticism; – translation 3 recaptures the linguistic register variations of the original work. The multi-translation act is based on offering a wider range of options. Given the impossibility of deter- minacy in the act of translating, every version can be considered valid. The possibility of choice, creation and recreation widens the literary system to which the original work belongs.
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Testi e linguaggi. Volume 18 (2024)

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