• An approach to prevent frailty in community dwelling older adults: a pilot study performed in Campania region in the framework of the PERSSILAA project 

      Cataldi, Mauro; De Luca, Vincenzo; Tramontano, Giovanni; Del Giudice, Carmine; Grimaldi, Iolanda; Cuccaro, Paula; Speranza, Patrizia; Iadicicco, Giuseppe; Iadicicco, Vincenzo; Carotenuto, Felicia; Riccio, Paolo A.; Di Spigna, Gaetano; Renzullo, Andrea; Vuolo, Laura; Barrea, Luigi; Savastano, Silvia; Colao, Annaria; Liotta, Giuseppe; Iaccarino, Guido; Abete, Pasquale; Buono, Pasqualina; Vollenbroek-Hutten, Miriam; Illario, Maddalena (2019)
      We developed and tested an innovative physical training method in older adults that embeds the gym program into everyday life in the most conservative way possible. Physical training was included in the activities of ...
    • Combining Values of Museums and Digital Culture in Digital Public History 

      Esten, Emily <University of Pennsylvania Libraries> (E. Esten, "Combining Values of Museums and Digital Culture in Digital Public History", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 107-120, 2022)
      Museum professionals have increasingly introduced technology intohistorical spaces, and history into technological spaces, to augment or transformthe preservation of knowledge and artifacts; the sharing and creation of ...
    • Communication for Cultural Integration : The Case of a Secondary Reception Centre 

      Tammaro, Rosanna; Calenda, Marika; Iannotta, Iolanda S.; Ferrantino, Concetta (2016)
      The language, a human species-specific activity, permits of knowing, organizing and recounting the reality that around us. Although the vocal level represents the preferred channel of expression, everyday experiences are ...
    • Community and Integration. The case study of the “Barrio Puente de Fierro” in La Plata (Argentina) 

      Truda, Giovanna; Mangone, Emiliana (2020)
      The present research article analyze, with a qualitative methodology, the case study of the Barrio Puente de Fierro in La Plata, Argentina, an emblematic example of the dynamics occurring in territories that attempt to ...
    • Intervista a Cristina Alga. L’ecomuseo Mare Memoria Viva di Palermo 

      Boccalatte, Paola E. (P. E. Boccalatte, "Intervista a Cristina Alga. L’ecomuseo Mare Memoria Viva di Palermo", «Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi», 2022, n.6, pp. 291-294, 2022)
      A Palermo un ecomuseo racconta le trasformazioni urbanistiche e sociali della città dal dopoguerra a oggi attraverso testimonianze, storie, immagini e memorie legate al mare di città; ma è anche un luogo capace di visione, ...
    • Quale storia per quale pubblico. Verso la giornata della Public history in Emilia-Romagna 

      Lusuardi, Chiara <Associazione PopHistory>; Pizzirusso, Igor <Istituto nazionale Ferruccio Parri> (C. Lusuardi, I. Pizzirusso, Quale storia per quale pubblico. Verso la giornata della Public history in Emilia-Romagna, «E-Review», n. 8-9, 2021-2022, pp. 1-8, 2021)
      L’articolo ripercorre i punti salienti del convegno online Quale storia per quale pubblico. Verso la giornata della Public history in Emilia-Romagna, tenutosi nell’ottobre del 2020, propedeutico alla realizzazione della ...
    • Rituals During Lockdown: The “Clap for our Carers” Phenomenon in France 

      Novello Paglianti, Nanta (2020)
      The article will analyse the emergence of the applause for health workers to health personnel, a practice widespread in France since the first day of lockdown. We examine the meaning of this ritual that was first promoted ...
    • Sport as a Tool for Integration and Social Inclusion. The Case Study “EsportInclou” of the Sport Institute of Barcelona 

      Della Sala, Valerio (2021)
      The note intends to introduce some specific points of reflection about how the “diversity”, in various forms, can be reduced through physical activity and sport practice. First of all, the note will introduce ...
    • The Corona Challenge to Higher Education 

      Mayo, Peter (2020)
      Covid-19 poses a number of challenges to Higher Education. It has turned the day to day world of academic life on its head. University alternatives offer tenured academics a relatively safe adjustment to the changed ...
    • The RAPid COmmunity COGnitive screening Programme (RAPCOG): developing the portuguese version of the quick mild cognitive impairment (QMCI-P) screen as part of the eip on aha twinning scheme 

      Machado dos Santos, Pedro; O’Caoimh, Rónán; Svendrovski, Anton; Casanovas, Claudi; Orfila Pernas, Francesc; Illario, Maddalena; Molloy, William; Paul, Constança (2019)
      As populations age and the prevalence of cognitive impairment increases, healthcare professionals and researchers require short, validated cognitive screening instruments (CSIs). As part the EIP-on-AHA Twinning Support ...
    • Vol. 2, n. 1 (2020): Educazione alla cittadinanza 

      Mortari, Luigina; Mannese, Emiliana; Recalcati, Massimo; Mortari, Luigina; Andria, Alfonso; Merola, Luigi; Ambra, Ferdinando Ivano; Ferraro, Francesco Vincenzo; Aruta, Luigi; Iavarone, Maria Luisa; Balduzzi, Emanuele; Balzano, Vito; Castaldi, Maria Chiara; Crescenza, Giorgio; D’Alessio, Chiara; Elia, Giuseppe; Tedesco, Alessandra; Faiella, Filomena; Morvillo, Tiziana; Piccolo, Valentina; Maia, Elisa; Pignalberi, Claudio; Pistillo, Gerardo; Pizzolorusso, Francesco; Ricciardi, Maria; Trotta, Antonella; Ventre, Rita; Valbusa, Federica; Bombieri, Rosi (2020-12-19)
    • Vol. 3, n. 1 (2021), Special Issue: Pedagogia e Politica. Costruire comunità pensanti 

      Mannese, Emiliana; Violante, Luciano; Buttafuoco, Pietrangelo; Caligiuri, Mario; Carboni, Carlo; Ceruti, Mauro; Bellusci, Francesco; Colosimo, Maria Luisa; Dipasquale, Giuseppe; Elia, Giuseppe; Ferrari, Franco; Impagliazzo, Marco; Leganza, Ginevra; Lombardi, Maria Grazia; Ricci, Serena; Salmeri, Stefano; Sirignano, Fabrizio Manuel; Damilano, Marco; Riva, Maria Grazia; Fiorucci, Massimiliano; Balzano, Vito; Cagol, Michele; Castaldi, Maria Chiara; Della Piana, Bice; Donato, Donatella; García de Fez, Sandra; Giordano, Marco; Rubin, Antonia (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-09-24)