Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Communication for Cultural Integration : The Case of a Secondary Reception Centre 

      Tammaro, Rosanna; Calenda, Marika; Iannotta, Iolanda S.; Ferrantino, Concetta (2016)
      The language, a human species-specific activity, permits of knowing, organizing and recounting the reality that around us. Although the vocal level represents the preferred channel of expression, everyday experiences are ...
    • Interculturalism in Italy: Is it merely a Language and Communication Problem? 

      Pece, Emanuela (Fisciano: ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge, 2016)
      It is unthinkable today not to promote or encourage intercultural communication, it being the only alternative to conflict: a dialogic interaction designed to promote all the instances in the game and to achieve equilibrium ...
    • Migration and Integration Policies on Social and Labor Market standpoints inside the European Union 

      Donato, Stellamarina (Fisciano: ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge, 2018)
      This paper aims at shedding light on integration measures for immigrants employed at EU level. The focus of the discussion accounts for an integrated top-down and bottom-up series of approaches toward the management of the ...
    • Mixed Marriages: The Italian Case Study 

      D'Ambrosio, Gabriella; Pastori, Veronica (2019)
      The research objective that we want to explore concerns the phenomenon of mixed marriages in Italy. Indeed, in the last years (especially from EU enlargement in 2007), Italian territory is characterized, for its geographical ...
    • Some Indicators for the Analysis of Interculturality in Italy 

      D'Ambrosio, Gabriella; Pastori, Veronica (2018)
      The goal of this study is the analysis, through secondary data deriving from the main national sources, of migration’s phenomenon in Italy from 2007 to 2014. In particular, the purpose of paper is the description of ...
    • Sport and Integration of Migrants: Some Considerations 

      D’Angelo, Giuseppe (2019)
      The potential of sport for the inclusion of minorities is widely acknowledged. Being a non-verbal language, sport is particularly useful to ease the integration of the migrants in the hosting societies; in the present world ...
    • The Migrant’s Gaze. A survey on mobility factors carried out in the reception centres of Taranto 

      Panico, Antonio; Sibilla, Marinella; Zizza, Alfonso (Fisciano: ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge, 2017)
      The migration phenomenon has significantly grown over the last years. Migrants no longer consider Italy as a country of transit, but also as a final destination. Therefore, institutions and civil society organizations have ...