Now showing items 1-10 of 41
Il Nuovo Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo dalla prospettiva della vulnerabilità: un’occasione mancata
This contribution aims to evaluate the New Pact on Migration and Asylum
from a vulnerability perspective in order to assess whether the European
Commission’s proposals alleviate or aggravate the conditions of vulnerability ...
Accesso alle procedure di protezione internazionale e tutela delle esigenze umanitarie: la discrezionalità in capo agli Stati membri non viene intaccata dal Nuovo Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo
The present paper, also thanks to the reference to the relevant case law of
the European supranational Courts, aims to analyse the provisions and instruments of
EU law that, on the one hand, could facilitate the access ...
Quote di ricollocazione e meccanismi di solidarietà: le soluzioni troppo “flessibili” del Patto dell’Unione europea su migrazione e asilo
Through the analysis of the critical issues that emerged during the
implementation of the relocation quotas adopted as provisional measures by the
Council to address the migration crisis of 2015, this contribution aims ...
L’Informal International Lawmaking in materia di riammissione: prassi e implicazioni sul rapporto tra diritto internazionale e diritto dell’Unione europea
This article explores the articulated regulatory and political framework
within which the European Union's choice to prefer the adoption of informal acts
instead of traditional instruments of international law, in the ...
Il fenomeno migratorio oltre l’ordinario: riflessioni sulla proposta della Commissione circa un solido sistema di preparazione e di risposta alle crisi e a situazioni di forza maggiore
The proposal for a regulation addressing situations of crisis and force
majeure in the field of migration and asylum represents one of the new acts proposed by the Commission in the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. ...
Osservazioni sul ruolo del Consiglio europeo in relazione al “Nuovo Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo”
This paper analyses the role of the European Council in the promulgation
and implementation of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. Firstly, it examines
the main tools as well as the actions through which this role has ...
The ‘inward-looking’ securitization of the EU external migration policy in the New Pact on Migration and Asylum: a critical appraisal from a perspective of international law with reference to migration from Africa
The New Pact on Migration and Asylum presented by the European
Commission in September 2020 largely outlines migration as a security threat both
under an internal perspective and – although more latently – in the development ...
Pubblicazione e condivisione di foto sui social network: la tutela del minore fra diritto all’immagine e protezione dei dati personali
While, on the one hand, social networks are a very effective means of
personal promotion and, consequently, of defining one’s image and social reputation,
on the other, they expose users, and children in particular, to ...
Legal persons and cross-border crimes in the EU: current issues and prospects
In a recent judgment, the Italian Supreme Court has stated that a foreign
company can be held liable for crimes committed in the national territory, regardless
of the location of its registered offices. This ruling ...
Il centro degli interessi principali del debitore e il forum shopping tra regolamento (UE) 2015/848 e codice della crisi d’impresa e dell’insolvenza
If the debtor has the center of main interests (COMI) in the EU Member
State, the private international law profiles raised by an insolvency procedure are
governed by regulation (EU) 2015/848. This Regulation contains ...