Economia e politiche dei mercati e delle imprese: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 31
Un’analisi empirica sul ruolo della divergenza di percezioni tra turisti aziende e team di gestione nel Parco del Partenio
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2022-11-14) -
Statistical Procedures to Predict Economic Indicators through Political Discourse Text Analysis
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2022-10-12)The aim of the thesis is to contribute to the field of textual analysis in economics by proposing text-based indices to quantify the impact of political debate on the economy and improve the forecast accuracy of traditional ... -
Intelligenza artificiale e risoluzione delle controversie
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2022-06-22)La società muta continuamente e la tecnologia è qualcosa di cui non riusciamo più a fare a meno, ciò di cui necessitiamo per affrontare le sfide più disparate della quotidianità. A tale evoluzione non sfugge il mondo del ... -
Essays on Foreign Aid & Government Spending in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-10-16)Does foreign aid work or not? This question is as old as aid itself. Since the aftermath of the Marshall Plan of 1948, the world has seen a huge surge in the amount of foreign aid given to developing countries. Although ... -
Statistical Learning for business decision making: from big data to informative data
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-07-16)In this thesis, we will pitch out these four aspects that are fundamental in modern businesses. The first aspect is about the growing importance of Statistics in business, which has two purposes: synthesizing and ... -
Copula link-based additive models for bivariate time-to-event Outcomes with general censoring scheme: Computational advances and variable ranking procedures
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-07-11)Bivariate survival outcomes frequently arise in applied studies where the occurrence of two associated events of interest is observed. However, the practical utility of bivariate copula survival models is often hindered ... -
Toward the future community care: a multi-step exploratory study from a service & systems perspective focused on the key role of technology
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-07-18)In our fast-changing world, management and marketing acquire a strategic relevance. They become an important reference and support when it comes to making healthcare more effective, efficient, and sustainable. A key ... -
“Esecuzione contrattuale e smart contracts. Profili di responsabilità”
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2022-07-14)Il lavoto di tesi anahzza in che modo l'aatomazione, quindi I'impiego dell'intelligenza arÚLficiale intewiene sull'istituto del conftatto, ed in particolare sull'esecuzione dell'accordo Per tali ragioni I'analisi verterà ... -
From emerging consumption practices to the development of dynamic capabilities in the era of the circular transition: evidence from the Italian context
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2022-11-17)The Ph.D. thesis work aims to investigate different modes to move towards the circular economy, that is the modalities through which to implement a system capable of regenerating itself by minimizing the consumption of ... -
Institutional Missions, Performance, and External Factors. The Case of High- quality Colombian Universities
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2022-06-23)The National Accreditation Council certify universities with high institutional quality developed through their internal improvement processes, determined in a competitive context of decreasing demand. In this regard, ... -
Profili giuridici della Blockchain
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-04-17)Lo scopo della ricerca era quello di dissipare l’alone di ambiguità che caratterizza la tecnologia blockchain e di fare chiarezza circa l’inquadramento giuridico degli smart contract, delle criptovalute e delle Initial ... -
A screening selection procedure for nonparametric regression and survival analysis
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-05-18)This thesis aims at proposing a new method of solving the nonparametric and non-additive regression problem in presence of ultra-high dimensional data. In this context, there are two relevant aspects: variable selection ... -
An analysis of technical efficiency for european football teams
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-02-19)Football has developed an increasing economic importance over the past years, demonstrated by an increasing capital markets presence and the rapid growth in the sports industry and its market (Bell et al., 2012). Since the ... -
The impact of ECB. Unconventional monetary policies
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-05-29)This dissertation work deals with analysing more deeply the nature, motivations and effects, however measurable, of the unconventional monetary policies and it is aimed at addressing some questions about their adoption ... -
The use of taxes for regulatory purposes and the protection of the cultural heritage
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-06-04)The doctoral thesis, written in English, investigates a classic theme of tax studies namely the regulatory purposes of taxation, choosing to focus on a specific field of study such as the protection of historical and ... -
An Impact Evaluation of Public Financial Aid on Economic Development at Macroeconomic and Firm-Level: The Case of Transition Economies
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2022-01-10)During the last three decades, transition economies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia have experienced important structural, institutional, and political reforms under the umbrella of shifting from state socialism to ... -
Anomalies detection in credit risk data: an approach based on the Isolation Forest
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2019-12-16)As starting point the definition of Risk as the chances of having an unexpected or negative outcome has been introduced. After a brief introduction on most of the risk categories as Banks and regulators, the thesis ... -
L'High Frequency Trading: impatto sulla volatilità, efficienza dei mercati ed il meccanismo di scoperta dei prezzi
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-11-02)The research work arises from the interest in the dissemination of algorithms in modern financial markets... [edited by Author] -
Monetary Policy and Economic Expectations
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2019-05-24)Economists have long recognized that adverse shocks to the nancial sector can have signi cant e ects on the real economy. The chance that nancial instability will lead to macroeconomic instability is often termed ... -
The multifaceted aspects of inequality: health and labour market issues
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2019-05-28)Inequalities have been the subject of keen economic interest due to ethical and policy implications for the society. In fact, there is wide agreement about the fact that living in a more egalitarian society leads to better ...