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dcterms.contributor.authorMori, Sara
dcterms.contributor.authorStorai, Francesca
dcterms.identifier.citationMori, S. and Storai, F. (2018). "Identità della scuola e miglioramento scolastico per l’educazione alla cittadinanza globale." Culture e Studi del Sociale, 3(1): 73-85.it_IT
dc.description.abstractThe paper recounts the experience of two female researchers in a high school in the prov-ince of Pisa, which is characterized from a mission centered on the active citizen. The scope of intervention is to increase the sense of collective identity of the school by involving the various actors with an eye on the improvement of the school. The aim of the research was to develop awareness and action for change within the organization according to the guide-lines of Global Citizenship Education. During the nominal group with teachers, students and parents and the interviews with the Principals and the DSGA, the participants were asked to associate words describing the school according to their point of view; later they were invited to reflect on the mission described in the PTOF (Three-year training plan) and on how to act to make it operative. The sharing of results as a final moment was a crucial action to increase the level of knowledge within the school, the sense of empowerment of the actors and awareness of their own context.it_IT
dcterms.format.extentP. 73-85it_IT
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dcterms.titleIdentità della scuola e miglioramento scolastico per l’educazione alla cittadinanza globaleit_IT
dcterms.typeJournal Articleit_IT
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