Testi e linguaggi. Volume 12 (2018)
Immissioni Recenti
Esilio, migrazione, scrittura. Riflessioni introduttive
(Roma : Carocci, 2018) -
L'esilio di Castelao in Argentina
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)At the beginning of his Argentine exile from Galicia, the eclectic artist and politician Castelao staged a theatrical piece whose traditional, regionalist, comic-festive content and the wise literary use of galego seemed ... -
Quel che resta dell esilio: Tropical sol da liberdade di Ana Maria Machado
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)This article analyses the experience of exile narrated by the Brazilian writer Ana Maria Machado in Tropical sol da liberdade. Published in 1988, the novel portrays the terrible events that characterised the authoritarian ... -
«Génova, vista de longe de muito longe parece Luanda»: l Italia come esilio nella poesia di Costa Andrade
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)The article reflects on the experience of exile and analyzes the poetry book Tempo angolano em Itália (1963). The verses of the Angolan poet Costa Andrade show the progressive affirmation of «fragile» nationalism, which ... -
Belli «di fama e di sventura»: l 'esilio come destino individuale del Foscolo “inglese” e come tragedia corale della nazione ellenica
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)Critical work brings out the most intense and profound, subliminal motive of Foscolo’s “English” exile, which, in addition to its “added value” as an ethical-political paradigm and a political-civil institution, consists ... -
Esuli russi a Napoli e Capri tra XIX e XX secolo: Nikolaj Prachov, Nikolaj Firsov, Aleksej Zolotarev. Nuovi materiali
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)In the present article some unpublished manuscripts preserved in Russian libraries and archives are presentedand examined: the cycle of “ocherki” Old Naples (1940), folkloristic sketches written by the painter Nikolai ... -
Raul Leal, il gruppo di “Orpheu” e l'opzione dell'autoesilio
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)Portuguese modernism was a heterogeneous movement consisting in distinct individualities that had in common the desire to bring about a profound renewal in Portuguese culture. This composite group of artists had in common ... -
Scrittura ed esilio: l occulto sentiero di Elena Fortún
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)Encarnación Aragoneses Urquijo (1886-1952), better known as Elena Fortún, was a famous Spanish children literature’s writer, whose work has been recently reconsidered, in the light of her complex and pioneering activity ... -
Realtà e utopie insulari nella Exilliteratur
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)In the Exilliteratur, the rich production of texts in German language written by authors fled from Nazi Germany, the image of the island is recurrent. Real and imaginary islands represent places of distance and isolation ... -
La diaspora brasiliana nella rielaborazione di finzione
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)In this paper we discuss Brazilian emigration towards Portugal by analysing its reworking in literary and cinematographic fiction. More specifically, we will consider the film Terra Estrangeira (1996) by Walter Salles ... -
La migrazione delle lettere slave nella Rus' di Kiev (Una lettura cronotopica di PVL, anno 898)
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)The ancient Tale of the Bygone Years or Primary Chronicle (Povest’ vremennykh let – PVL) is one of the main sources on the ancient history of the Slavic tribes and the origin of Kievan Rus’. A variety of structural and ... -
Una poética de la identidad en tránsito Mito, fantasía e historia en mi recorrido literario
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)In this essay, the writer reflects on her own aesthetics, concerning the idea of “transient identity”, which is related both to intercultural migration, and to the interweaving of literary genres. In doing so, she deals ... -
Migrazione irlandese e italiana in Argentina: testi e contesti dello sradicamento
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)The phenomenon of migration, broadly defined as the movement of people from one place to another, has highly increased in contemporary societies. This article deals with discursive expressions of Irish and Italian migrants, ... -
«Arrivato, ma dove?». La riscoperta dell'esilio in Ursula Krechel
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)The article analyzes two recent successful novels by Ursula Krechel that return to the recent German past: Shanghai Far from Where, 2008 (extracts published in: “The Hudson Review”, spring 2015, vol. 68 , I, pp. 39-60) ... -
Desde un país llamado Exilio: glosas al silencio en Todos éramos hijos, de María Rosa Lojo
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)María Rosa Lojo has developed a complex artistic production in which fiction and metafiction dialogue around the resolution of a powerful utopia: the overcoming of the identity tear and the construction of a complex ... -
Il cinema tedesco della Postmigration in traduzione: Bora Dağtekin, Fack ju Göhte (2013), Fuck you, Prof ! (2015)
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)The paper investigates culture-bound references (Pedersen 2005) in the German Film Fack ju Göhte (2013) and their translation in the Italian dubbed version Fuck you, Prof ! (2015), with a particular focus on humour. The ... -
Scritture da lontano: semicolti campani e sondaggi dal corpus MeTrOpolis
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)This paper deals with a new project called MeTrOpolis (Memorie, tracce, orizzonti), carried out by the Laboratorio LeGIT (Università di Salerno). The project aims to trace the linguistic history of Italian in Campania ... -
Migrazione e teatro in Emine Sevgi Özdamar
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)Emine Sevgi Özdamar, when compared with other Turkish-German authors in the lively Berlin theatre world in the 1970s, has stood out from the beginning thanks to her large-scale activity and her open-mindedness towards ... -
Molteplicità di prospettive: l’attuale “crisi migratoria” nella stampa italiana e tedesca attraverso metafore e frame
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)This paper exposes a corpus-based, qualitative and contrastive analysis of the contribution that frame semantics can make in the analysis of conceptual metaphors within the debate on the current refugee crisis, with ... -
Recensioni e letture
(Roma : Carocci, 2018)