Culture e Studi del Sociale. Vol. 5, n. 2 (2020)
Immissioni Recenti
La partecipazione politica nel tempo della post-democrazia
(2020)he concept of participation has been defined in different ways over time and also the prac-tices of political participation have been interpreted and classified in many different ways in the political procedures of the ... -
Oltre la rappresentazione novecentesca delle dinamiche di opinione:la riconfigurazione del modello della doxasfera
(2020)This article proposes a descriptive model of the performing areas present in the communication dynamics (doxasphere). This model allows us to redefine the bottlenecks of the concepts of public ... -
Democrazia, partecipazione e conflitto: el caliente otoño latinoamericano
(2020)This article analyzes, with a qualitative methodology, the problems underlying the delicate correlation between representation, participation, conflict, assessed in the context of the radical democracy studies and in ... -
Civic Participation Faces Resentment: Right-wing Movements in Brazil and the Crisis of Dem
(2020)Since 2015, Brazil has been experiencing the explosion of right-wing protests. These pro-tests were assembled by groups organised in digital media, which claimed forms of demo-cratic participation to propagate ... -
Divari digitali e disuguaglianze in Italia prima e durante il Covid-19
(2020)The digital divides refer to access to infrastructure and technological devices, to skills re-quired to take advantage of such access, and the structural dynamics of social inequalities, in the framework of ... -
The Biopolitical Quest for Individuality as a Reactionary Device
(2020)With the advent of digitization and the affirmation of a symbolic value on social exchange within capital, public demonstrations of discontent are nowadays being performed along an aesthetic canon, thus losing their ... -
Campagna elettorale e social media: scenari evolutivi e nuove differenze nella diffusione social del messaggio politico
(2020)The contemporary electoral campaign, that became increasingly permanent with the Net, suggests studying the field of political communication in terms of strategies for social me-dia activities. By a quantitative ... -
A Reading of Article 21 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights:Political (Dis)engagement in the Context of Brexit
(2020)Free, regular, and open elections are sought-after qualities of a liberal democracy. Reading electoral turnout as an indicator of political engagement, though, is a reductive reading and can obscure entrenched levels of ... -
L’identità femminile nell’«Amica geniale» di Elena Ferrante e nel romanzo «Al-bāb al-maftūḥ» [La porta aperta] di Laṭīfa al-Zayyāt
(2020)Starting from the assumption that socio-cultural changes have an impact on the formation of women's identities, this article explores the construction of female identities in Egypt and in Italy from a ... -
Promuovere l’integrazione culturale: le Istituzioni e il fenomeno migratorio
(2020)The current scenario, increasingly characterised by discursive practices and multi-ethnic social relations, requires institutions to play a more active role in strategies for the inclusion of immigrants. A complex ... -
L'omogenitorialità tra autodeterminazione e desiderio di trasparenza. Autobiografie di famiglia
(2020)The article examines some aspects called into question by the debate on same-sex families in Italy. We start from the writings of Giuseppina La Delfa, French language teacher and LGBT activist, who has ... -
La violenza di genere confinata tra le pareti domestiche durante il lockdown
(2020)The Covid -19 pandemic has had a profound impact on our living systems and, more generally, on the economic and political organization of our country. The significant loss of human lives, the ...