Sul parere precontenzioso dell'Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione (ANAC). Una suggestione per un nuovo modello processuale? Un sistema di A.D.R per il contenzioso in materia di appalto pubblico? O una fattispecie di dubbia costituzionalità?
The pre-litigation legal opinion by ANAC doesn’t elude a careful
reflection on its compatibility with Constitution.
Is ANAC even a new and other judge?
The role assigned to the Authority, from art. 211, 1 comma, d. lgs. n. 50/16, is a role of
an Authority that is just judicial, not of an Anti-corruption Authority. The legal opinion is expression of a new power of Anti-corruption Authority that is
seriously careful to constitutional constructs of legal system, violating principle of
separation of powers, that represents, surely, an historical and undeniable need of our
State, as well as the constitutional precept of art. 102, that prohibits the institution of
new judges or other special judges.
The prospective of a dangerous implement of corrosive activities of constitutional
guarantees, involves the need to propose an immediate intervent to resolve this
confusion of roles. It is proposed the abduction of this system from ANAC and the creation of an ad hoc
ADR stuff, for conflicts born from procedures of public procurement to control and
prevent (the pathology) and the growth af a dispute that would have a strong economic
and social impact in distribution and creation of equity and work system.