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Giovani, religione e pluralismo culturale: percorsi identitari e socializzazione
(2021)According to Sayad (2002), migrations play a 'mirror function', i.e. they allow us to refocus on issues that are already present in immigrant societies but have been overlooked in scien-tific-political analysis and debate. ... -
Between Assimilation and Discrimination: Immigrants’ Religiosity in Europe
(2021)Given the sharp increase in migration flows, the issue of immigrants’ religious assimilation and its impact on integration and discrimination has become a hot topic. This article refers to the debate between assimilation ... -
Giovani musulmani italiani. Appartenenza religiosa, socializzazione e agenzie socializzative
(2021)In recent decades, the Islamic community has seen the emergence of new generations of Muslims who find themselves having to negotiate between their Islamic affiliation, their family ethnic culture ... -
Young Muslims and Islamophobia in Italy: What is at Stake?
(2021)The objective of the paper is to highlight the complexity of Islam in Italy, between first and second generations, the role played by the media in depicting Islam as the ultimate other-ness, discussing whether ... -
La trasmissione religiosa tra generazioni nelle famiglie con background migratorio. Una proposta di ricerca
(2021)Within the wider debate about the future of religion and the secularization processes in Western societies, so far the intergenerational religious transmission has received little at-tention, ... -
La rilevanza delle narrazioni e dei posizionamenti nello studio dell’interculturale
(2021)The purpose of this work is to contribute to the study of the intercultural by associating the intercultural with the concepts of narrative and positioning. In the last decades, the analysis of intercultural communication ... -
Il ruolo del Terzo Settore nelle politiche di riequilibrio territoriale del welfare
(2021)The Third Sector is assuming an ever greater role in various social spheres, in particular with an increasingly important role in the construction of welfare policies. In 2017 the Third Sector ... -
Disagi dell’individuo ai tempi della pandemia
(2021)Covid-19 was an unforeseen event, which nullified the individual’s conviction of having everything under control, the illusion of living in a world protected from the intrusion of the imponderable and enclosed ...