Now showing items 1221-1240 of 6219

    • Jurisdiction, Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Claims Arising out of Smart Contracts under the Brussels I Regulation (recast) and on the Blockchain 

      Lopez Rodriguez, Ana Mercedes (2022)
      The emergence of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)/blockchain and its application through the so-called smart contracts poses significant challenges from the point of view of classical contract law and private international ...
    • Misure critiche. Nuova Serie. A. 20, n. 1-2 (2021)  

      Cacciatore, Paola Volpe; Di Franco, Marcella; Ricco, Renato; Montella, Andrea; Falardo, Domenica; Rimolo, Eleonora; Aulitto, Sabrina; Pasquini, Luciana; Bellissimo, Oriana; Chirico, Irene; Boroni, Carla; Gazzola, Giuseppe; Dell’Aquila, Giulia; Resio, Lorenzo; Falotico, Caterina; Cesaro, Raffaele; Tanga, Fabio; Gendre, Renato; D’Astore, Fabio; De Nicola, Francesco; Cacciarru, Angela; Ferrauto, Emanuela; Nigro, Paola (Sarno : Buonaiuto, 2021)
    • Consigli dalla “cucina” delle Digital Humanities 

      Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa> (E. Salvatori, Consigli dalla “cucina” delle Digital Humanities, «Rivista di Ricerca e Didattica Digitale», 2, 2022, n. 3, pp. 24-29, 2022)
      L’autrice ripercorre la sua esperienza con le digital humanities, rivendicando un approccio incentrato non sulla teoria o i grandi quadri disciplinari, bensì su concrete attività progettuali. L’articolo insiste ...
    • Public History IT. Numero 4 - Luglio 2022 

      Unknown author (Roma: AIPH, 2022)
    • Public History IT. Numero 3 - Gennaio 2022 

      Unknown author (Roma: AIPH, 2022)
    • Public History IT. Numero 2 - Luglio 2021 

      Unknown author (Roma: AIPH, 2021)
    • Public History IT. Numero 1 - Gennaio 2021 

      Unknown author (Roma: AIPH, 2021)
    • Presunzione di innocenza, informazione giudiziaria e diritti fondamentali 

      Rotondo, Francesco (2022)
      Recependo la direttiva 2016/343/UE del 09.03.2016 il legislatore italiano ha emanato il D. Lgs. 08.11.2021 n. 188 – entrato in vigore il 14.12.2021 – sul rafforzamento di alcuni aspetti della presunzione di innocenza e ...
    • Lo spazio europeo di tutela dei minori di età e il crescente ruolo del principio dei best interests of the child in relazione alla “Direttiva rimpatri” con particolare riferimento alla causa C-112/20 

      Vannuccini, Sabrina (2022)
      Il presente contributo prende avvio da una panoramica generale sul più recente acquis giuridico e politico dell’Unione europea in materia di tutela dei minori di età, per poi soffermarsi sull’importanza del principio dei ...
    • Infographics and Public History 

      Signoriello, Federica (F. Signoriello, "Infographics and Public History", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 531-544, 2022)
      This chapter focuses on the role of infographics in public history. In thelast few years, infographics have become increasingly popular both on- and offline.My aim is thus to identify best practices in order to bridge the ...
    • Exploring Large-Scale Digital Archives – Opportunities and Limits to Use Unsupervised Machine Learning for the Extraction of Semantics 

      Van Hooland, Seth <Vrije Universiteit Brussel>; Coeckelbergs, Mathias <Université libre de Bruxelles> (S. van Hooland, M. Coeckelbergs, "Exploring Large-Scale Digital Archives – Opportunities and Limits to Use Unsupervised Machine Learning for the Extraction of Semantics", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 517-530, 2022)
      The current excitement in regards to machine learning has spurred enthu-siasm amongst collection holders and historians alike to rely on algorithms to re-duce the amount of manual labor required for management and appraisal ...
    • Digital Public History and Photography 

      Biscioni, Raffaella <Università di Bologna> (R. Biscioni, "Digital Public History and Photography", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 505-516, 2022)
      This essay intends to analyze the current contribution of photography toDigital Public History (DPH) starting from the perspective of changing relationshipbetween photography and memory in the new web context.
    • The Audiovisual Dimension & the Digital Turn in Public History Practices 

      Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa> (E. Salvatori, "The Audiovisual Dimension & the Digital Turn in Public History Practices", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 495-504, 2022)
      The historical tale has always been more effective and engaging with theuse of sounds and images than with the fixity of the written word. In a certain way,the audio/visual dimension allowed by the digital turn brings the ...
    • Historians as Digital Storytellers: The Digital Shift in Narrative Practices for Public Historians 

      Santana, Dominique <University of Luxembourg> (D. Santana, "Historians as Digital Storytellers: The Digital Shift in Narrative Practices for Public Historians", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 485-494, 2022)
      Innovations in digital technology have profoundly affected all areas of ahistorian’s professional practice, offering unprecedented opportunities to the (co-)creation and impactful dissemination of historical narratives. ...
    • History and Video Games 

      Rochat, Yannick <Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland> (Y. Rochat, "History and Video Games", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 475-484, 2022)
      The aim of this chapter is to highlight some of the constraints present inthe development of games with historical settings, and to explain why historical fal-lacies are sometimes included in games, even though the authors ...
    • Modeling Data Complexity in Public History and Cultural Heritage 

      Barabucci, Gioele <Norwegian University of Science and Engineering (NTNU)>; Tomasi, Francesca <Università di Bologna>; Vitali, Fabio <Unversità di Bologna> (G. Barabucci, F. Tomasi, F. Vitali, "Modeling Data Complexity in Public History and Cultural Heritage", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 459-474, 2022)
      The publication by Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums of metadataabout their collections is fundamental for the creation of our shared digital culturalheritage. Yet, we argue, these digital collections are, on one ...
    • Big Data and Public History 

      Clavert, Frédéric <University of Luxembourg>; Wieneke, Lars <University of Luxembourg> (F. Clavert, L. Wieneke, "Big Data and Public History", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 447-458, 2022)
      In this chapter, we define big data in history in three ways: (1) big data implies the use of an amount of data that the historian’s personal computer cannot deal with; (2) the data historians are using must be either ...
    • Linked Open Data & Metadata 

      Meghini, Carlo <Università di Pisa> (C. Meghini, "Linked Open Data & Metadata", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 439-446, 2022)
      This article considers linked data, starting with the four rules drawn up in 2006 by the inventor of the web, Tim Berners-Lee, to produce this kind of data: (1) to use a web standard, the Internationalized Resource Identifier ...
    • Content Management 

      Zaagsma, Gerben <University of Luxembourg> (G. Zaagsma, "Content Management", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 431-438, 2022)
      The use of content management systems (CMSes) in public history is a rel-atively new phenomenon that has greatly enhanced the possibilities of presenting,curating and narrating history online. As CMSes have become increasingly ...
    • Historical GIS 

      Mogorovich, Paolo <Università di Pisa>; Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa> (P. Mogorovich, E. Salvatori, "Historical GIS", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 419-430, 2022)
      The historical GIS is, without any doubt, a powerful means of communica-tion of historical phenomena for the public and also of collecting georeferenceablehistorical source through crowdsourcing activities, but the complexity ...