Items 1-10 di 207
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This article proposes a critical reflection of the four chronicles that Alejo Carpentier wrote in the years of the Spanish Civil War. In order to
cover an exhaustive proposal of critical interpretation, the reading ...
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The present research article offers a qualitative analysis on some of the
recent investigations in the Spanish and South American area that study
the Bourbon Reformism, a subject very discussed in the historiographic
field ...
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This research article analyzes, whit a qualitative methodology, ideas of
some thinkers about the place, the values and problems of identity and
authenticity of Latin American culture, in its dialectical correlation between ...
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The essay is an attempt to construct another perspective on modernity from the Caribbean. Seeking to understand a long-term history - in which the Haitian Revolution and the Cuban Revolution emerge as interpretive keys - ...
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The present research analyses the theoretical and methodological basis for
the realization of a lexicon-grammar of Spanish language. With a qualitative methodology, the article starts from the Harris’ distributional ...
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The research article is a controversial study in tone if the Latin American cultural
identity is a metarrelato, an expression of unity or identity of the sameness exclusive or an identity in the difference of concrete ...
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Since the re-entanglement of the current society is on, the juridical experience is increasingly reluctant to fit into modern-made categories
requiring to pay more attention to the characteristics of different social
practices. ...