• Riflessioni sullo stato di guerra 

      Fenucci, Tullio (2014)
      War is traditionally regarded as the ultimate expression of the emergency. Typically, each legal order has constitutional rules dedicated to the warfare. Waging war allows you to disregard some constitutional rules. Nowadays ...
    • Romualdo Trifone. Giurista storico e legislatore 

      Trifone, Gian Paolo (2014)
      On 16 April 2013, at the University of Salerno, was held the conference “Romualdo Trifone. Jurist historical legislator”. On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the death, the memory of the jurist from Salerno has ...
    • Romualdo Trifone: giurista, storico e legislatore 

      Stanzione, Pasquale (2014)
      The essay traces a profile of Romualdo Trifone, underlining the plan style, the anti-dogmatic approach, the attention to the sources and, in particular, to the custom. It is demonstrated in which way, in Trofone's view, ...
    • Soggettività e concepito 

      Caramico, Annarita (2014)
      The jurist has to face often long-standing issues such as the beginning of human life, embryo’s nature, in vitro fertilisation, the legitimacy of research and experiments on stem cells. The Italian jurist finds himself ...
    • The Italian Constitution from the origins to the economic crisis 

      Panebianco, Mario (2014)
      The lecture focuses some key-concepts of the Italian Constitution such as human dignity, democracy, rights and duties, separation of powers, from the beginning to the financial crisis, in european and comparative perspective.
    • Verso uno spazio comune europeo di giustizia 

      Iermano, Anna (2014)
      The Conference “Towards a common European area of Justice” has been held on 15th May 2014 at the University of Salerno to analyze the consequences of the relationship between the construction of an Area of Freedom, Security ...