Il Nuovo Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo dalla prospettiva della vulnerabilità: un’occasione mancata
This contribution aims to evaluate the New Pact on Migration and Asylum
from a vulnerability perspective in order to assess whether the European
Commission’s proposals alleviate or aggravate the conditions of vulnerability of
migrants and asylum seekers in the EU. To this end, after having briefly explored the
meaning and the main features of the concept of vulnerability as applied in the context
of migration and asylum, this article focuses primarily on two proposals of the New
Pact, particularly significant from the viewpoint of vulnerability: The proposal for a
regulation addressing situations of crisis and force majeure in the field of migration
and asylum, repealing Directive 2001/55/EC (COM(2020)613 final) and the
recommendation on legal pathways to protection in the EU, including resettlement,
humanitarian admission and other complementary pathways (C(2020) 6467 final)