Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Grid for Decoding Motion Encoding 

      Iacobini, Claudio; Corona, Luisa; Buoniconto, Alfonsina (Roma : Carocci, 2020)
      The need of cumulability of data and replicability of resultus in motion event description has led to the construction of a prototype of an annotation tool named Modeg (Motion DEcoding Grid). This classification grid ...
    • Motion event encoding in ancient greek. A typological corpus-based study of path and manner expression 

      De Pasquale, Noemi (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017-10-30)
      This dissertation is a corpus-based study of motion encoding in Ancient Greek. Among the conceptual components of motion identified in the relevant literature, the focus is on Path, i.e. the trajectory traced by the ...
    • A particle-centred approach on italian verb-particle constructions 

      Guglielmo, Daniela (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-05-14)
      The following doctoral thesis, titled “A particle-centred approach on Italian Verb Particle Constructions” (hereinafter VPCs) aims at showing that the particle characterizing Italian Phrasal verbs such as su (up), giù ...