Soluzioni innovative per il recupero di materia dal ciclo dei rifiuti
The enhancing waste productions, the change in its composition along with the widespread awareness of environmental issues have increased the technical interest towards the implementation of suitable waste management strategies. Aim of these strategies is the minimization of waste amount and hazardousness as well as the identification of correct treatment and disposal systems, reducing the environmental impact and enhancing the recovery of materials and energy.
The implementation of an integrated waste management system represents the most suitable option to enhance waste recovery, thus reducing landfill disposal.
In this context, the characterization of the materials subjected to recovery activities is a fundamental phase, because of the potential health and environmental risk connected to the reintroduction, in the cycle of matter, of waste substances, which are potentially harmful.
Into consideration of these problems, the research was aimed at:
identifying innovative methods for material recovery from waste;
studying and promoting the implementation of the most appropriate characterization procedures, in order to minimize the risk associated with the products of recovery activities.
According to the different characteristics of waste, the experimental activity was carried out with reference to two different matrixes:
a source sorted cellulosic material;
an organic fraction coming from the mechanical selection of unsorted waste.
The identification of non-conventional recovery solutions is, indeed, particularly interesting, for both cellulosic material and mechanically sorted organic waste. In the former case, the reason is related to the uncertain prospects of the pulp market, so that its use for litter production was proposed. On the other hand, the possible use of the mechanically selected organic fraction represents one of the most important issues due to the its high content of impurities, which limits its recovery. For this matrix, the use as landfill daily cover material was proposed. [edited by Author]