Browsing Working Papers del CSE by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 33
Against European Hegemony Discourse. Vladimir Putin and Other Voices in the Post-2012 Russia
(2019)The reborn anti-corruption related mass protests in Russia in early 2017 once again bring up questions about the political reaction to the previous oppositional awakening of 2011. The nature of the political regime in ... -
Belarus and the European Union. From confrontation to the dialogue
(2018)Republic of Belarus as an independent state appeared on the map of Europe only in 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Currently, Belarus is a middle-size country on the borderland between the European Union and ... -
Bourdieu e l’Europa: un rapporto a due dimensioni
(2021)The essay focuses on the multidimensional relationship between Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology and Europe. Firstly, it is emphasized that the Bourdieusian approach is from its very first steps an integral part of the reconstruction ... -
Carlo Curcio e l’idea di Europa
(2017)The work of Carlo Curcio “Europe. History of an Idea” (published in 1958 by Vallecchi, publisher of Florence, in two volumes with a total of over a thousand pages) is certainly one of the most significant historical works ... -
Cittadinanza europea e avversione alla moneta unica al tempo della crisi economica. Il caso italiano in prospettiva comparata
(2014)Is there a link between economic crisis and disaffection toward European citizenship? This paper raises this re-search question, investigating the behavior of Italian cit-izens as a particularly interesting case study. For ... -
Cosmopolitismi in tensione. L'Unione europea dal cosmopolitismo al neo-liberismo
(2018)Le forme di solidarietà sociale, la cooperazione internazionale e le strutture dei processi transnazionali che molti commentatori hanno individuato come le basi di un’‘Europa cosmopolita’ sono oggi messe a dura prova. Il ... -
La "creatività europea" e le sue retoriche
(2017)Since the ‘70s, the issue of creativity has been at the heart of the European debate. Many documents have been produced about creativity, most of which are analyzed in this paper. Creativity has been intended as a strategy ... -
La crisi dell’Europa. La “distruzione creativa” e le nuove solidarietà sociali
(2018)This article deals with the problem of the social foundations of social solidarity in the context of today’s European crisis. One of the main hypothesis is that the crisis is not only a factor of disintegration but also ... -
Durkheim, l’‘Europa’ e la Brexit
(2020)When the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai was asked what he thought were the main consequences of the French Revolution, he is alleged to have replied that it was too early to tell. The same response may be given today as to ... -
Giovani e Europa: dinamiche nella maturazione di memorie autocritiche nei “nativi europei”
(2021)Il saggio si concentra sui processi che portano alla formazione di “memorie europee” dal basso, assumendo come categoria di riferimento i giovani. Attraverso una ricerca condotta tra gli studenti di tre istituti scolastici ... -
La guerra in Ucraina (2022), l’Unione Europea e il ruolo della NATO: un’analisi storico-politica
(2022)The paper proposes a historical and political analysis of the origins of the war in Ukraine. Starting from the nationalist political ideology that established in Russia from the late 1990s and manifested itself during the ... -
Increasing imperative of the intercultural education in European policies, initiatives and actions
(2021)Through increasing cultural diversity of European countries education in general and higher education in particular become the constructive force to promote social cohesion and integration. The European higher education ... -
Intercultural education policies across Europe as responses to cultural diversity (2006-2016)
(2017)The purpose of this research is to trace the dynamics of the development of the inter-cultural education within the education policies across Europe. The brief summary of the IE development during previous four decades is ... -
La leadership dell’Unione Europea nella politica climatica internazionale
(2022)The negative effects of climate change and global warming may have, through direct and indirect effects, a profound impact on human and state security, often accelerating or exacerbating ongoing or latent vulnerabilities ... -
Leaving the Euro. A feasible option for Italy?
(2018)The Financial Crisis of 2008 has been especially hard on European Southern countries which, although some cautious signs of recovery, are still struggling to find theirway out of it and return to previous levels of ... -
Locating European Citizenship
(2020)This paper is not devoted to European citizenship, but rather to the ways we study it. The paper is based on a sample of recent literature on EU citizenship and is developed as follows. Firstly, seven divergent thematizations ... -
L’Europa dei tradimenti. Il cosmopolitismo normativo europeo sotto attacco
(2017)The article aims to analyse the project of a cosmopolitan Europe and to show the validity not of its rejection, but rather, of its betrayal. My argument is that Europe has both historical and normative character-istics of ... -
L’Europa in festival. Indagine sulle potenzialità e i limiti della partecipazione in ambito europeo attraverso uno studio di caso
(2015)By analyzing the case study of the 2013 edition of the “Festival of Europe” held in Florence, the essay ex-plores the limits and potential forms of participa-tion in European contexts as they occur on special “celebratory” ... -
Max Weber e l'identità europea
(2016)The paper analyzes the Weberian conception of modernity, capitalism, Europe and the West. Through the comparison with India, China and the Islamic civilization Weber studies the Eu-ropean identity, its uniqueness. Weber’s ... -
Migration Policies of the European Union and Turkey with special Consideration of the 2016 Readmission Agreement
(2020)In the second half of the twentieth century, an increase in the rate of irregular migration was observed, caused by conflicts that threatened human life. Since the 1990s, the EU has developed various mechanisms to control ...