How do the institutions involved in scientific collaboration deal with different kinds of distance? An analysis of the co-authorships of scientific publications
D'Amore, Rosamaria
Iorio, Roberto
Labory, Sandrine
Stawinoga, Agnieszka
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In the scientific collaborations among different institutions at least two types of
distance may be identified: spatial and institutional. We talk about spatial distance if the
institutions are located in different places; about institutional distance if the collaborating
institutions are of a different kind.
Given that there are both barriers and incentives to overcome such distances, the specific
focus of this paper is on the way the institutions involved in the collaboration deal with
them. We are interested in studying if more stable collaborations have different
characteristics from the more occasional ones on the point of view of spatial and
institutional distance,. We also aim to study also what kind of dependencies exist among
these types of distance: if there is a trade-off among them, or a relation of
complimentarity. Moreover, we take the content of the research, if basic or applied, into
The phenomenon of collaborations among different institutions (firms, universities,
hospitals and research centres) is seen through the lens of co-autorship of scientific
publications in the Italian “red” biotech sector.
As empirical tools, we adopt some indexes built in the context of the social network
analysis (the E-I index and the equivalence coefficient) usually used in different
This kind of analysis may highlight how knowledge flows among innovative agents and
should be taken into consideration by the policy maker that aims to promote research
collaboration between different institutions.